Rsync Module Missing Domain Users/Groups
SmartDraw Connector
Katalon Manual Tests (BETA)

John Hobson August 1, 2019 at 11:12 PM
I was able to work around my issue by booting back into 11.2-U3.
There the users still did not show up in the new gui.
In the old one I could actually save the changes unlike in U5.
One thing i did notice the one module that I updated now has [ ] around the host allow and deny fields.
This also is the case on my main nas that I am rsyncing from so it is not isolated to one system.
Attaching screenshots also.

Joe Maloney July 25, 2019 at 2:30 PM
@John Hobson I am not able to reproduce here. I am able to select AD users, and groups for new rysnc modules as well as update existing module tasks with AD users and groups. I believe we will need a debug for more information to reproduce.

Dru Lavigne July 25, 2019 at 12:39 PM
@John Hobson yes, private attachments are only accessible to the developers.

Joe Maloney July 25, 2019 at 2:47 AM
Hi John,
I'll have to defer to someone else for the attachment question. Based on the description works in old UI, doesn't work in new it sounds straightforward that any simple AD configuration should be able to reproduce. If you want to hold off I'll see if I can reproduce first, and ping you if we still need the debug.

John Hobson July 25, 2019 at 1:44 AMEdited
I am really not comfortable posting that where it can be accessed by anyone. Is the private attachment section hidden from everyone else?
TLDR; The Rsync Module GUI does now populate or allow Active Directory users or groups anymore.
I've had my rsync backups between two freenas systems up and running for a long time. One of the disks i'm backing up to is now full. I am trying to replace the disk and when updating the rsync module to use the new disk the domain users and groups from my active directory do no show up in the populated gui list. The currently set up modules work just fine but I can't edit it and select a domain user or group. The legacy GUI still populates the users and groups but when saving the module it says "Please specify a valid user/group" even though it was selected from the populated list.