Display human readable cron schedule


I am currently on FreeNAS-11.2-U5. I believe the ui gitch is caused after an upgrade, but not sure as I haven't looked at these tasks in a while.

In Tasks -> Scrub Tasks -> Edit

I see a task on sunday "(custom 00 00 * * 7)". Note that it says "7" instead of "sun". If I go in and edit this task "sunday" is not checked. However, the preview on when the task is expected to run is correctly displayed.

If I manually click on "sunday" and save it, the task becomes "(custom 00 00 * * Sun)". And ever after it shows up correctly on edit.

Suggested Fix:

  • Web UI auto-converts "7" to "Sun" on edit (same for other days of the week) before page is rendered so sunday gets correctly checkmarked in the UI.

Part2: Related UI Comment (not a bug)... on scrub you have a threshold (e.g. 35 days). But there is no indication on the UI of when the scrub was last run. This is also not reflected at all in the schedule preview. So it will, for example, show every Sunday instead of taking the 35 day threshold into account. So as a new user will think "I must have done this wrong" and waste time editing it a few times until they finally realize "the schedule preview is wrong". Neither of these are good impressions. I think for this, the best (laziest) solution would be some type of disclaimer text on the bottom of the scrub schedule preview like "preview days will be limited to once every Threshold Days". Just my 2 cents.

Part2: threshold description

"Define the number of days to prevent a scrub from running after the last has completed. This ignores any other calendar schedule. The default is a multiple of 7 to ensure the scrub always occurs on the same weekday"

The part where it says "This ignores any other calendar schedule" is unclear. First, there can (currently) be only one scrub scheduled per pool. So there's only one schedule, there is no "other" schedule. And, if I'm understanding it correctly (not 100% sure) then it doesn't totaly ignore the schedule. If I schedule it every wednesday, then it will skip this wednesday if the schedule isn't 35 days since the last one...but it won't run on an arbitrary day e.g. Friday if that just happens to be past 35 days. e.g. I turned the server off on Wednesday for a few days...and it's now past 35 days...will it run the scrub right away or wait till next Wednesday. I think this should just say intead of "This ignores any other calendar schedule" it should say "This overrides the calendendar schedule" for clarity.





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Lola Yang September 21, 2019 at 1:16 AM

master: https://github.com/freenas/webui/pull/2789

this pr will do:

  1. display cron schedule consistent

  2. show human-readable description of the cron schedule if the column is displayed in expand panel 

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Created September 13, 2019 at 8:26 PM
Updated July 1, 2022 at 4:44 PM
Resolved October 30, 2019 at 6:29 PM