via Console - change webGUI bind int and SSH port
Competition Assessment
SmartDraw Connector
Katalon Manual Tests (BETA)

Seth July 29, 2020 at 9:26 PM
I want to secure my freenas WebGUI by redirecting it to and accessing thru SSH tunnel, so being able to type in a manual IPv4 port would be useful.

Joe Maloney December 5, 2019 at 7:12 PM
CLI coming in future release will address this issue. We will not be fixing for current netcli.

James Gaul December 2, 2019 at 6:00 PM
I should add, many users like myself have secure VLAN/IP FW protected access to FN console via vKVM/IPMI thus it would also be nice to have the ability to turn off / on FN webGUI and SSHd via the console. (ie you just turn webGUI on when you need to use it, then turn off thus reducing FN's management security-footprint to just the console).
Would help combat the threat of a admin leaving/forgetting the FN gui open on their PC, and all the damage a hacker/back actor could do via that webGUI. (ie ransomware and deleting snapshots) + protect against new/un-patched possible httpd exploits.
(also an option to change webGUI's port via the console screen). thanks
For security purposes, im trying to lock down both FN's (freenas's) web gui IP and also the SSH bind to interface (thus the IP/interface SSHd listens on). I want to put both of these on a dedciated "admin" vlan (and L3 ip space) that has restricted access. (ie on an admin or management vlan / network).
A point of hesitation for me, is that if i messup while changing these bind to interfaces via the webgui, i have no way to revert the changes short of restoring a backup FN config, or attempting to modify the FN sql settinggs DB via FN console.
Thus i would like to see an option on the FN console screen where you can change/ modify the WebGUI IPv4 address (with pre-populated options like the dropdown menu in system->general), and/or the ssh bind to interface.
The ability to change the webGUI IPv4 address via the FN console is the most important feature of the 2x id like to see added.
here is a smilar use case a user needed, but is not available: