server crashes due to possible network/jail issues
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Katalon Manual Tests (BETA)

Alexander Motin March 10, 2020 at 1:53 PM
Reboot is probably not an answer for this misconfiguration, but without information about panic it is hard to say much. I'll close this for now, but let us know is problem appear again, especially after 11.3-U2, where should be a bigger chance of kernel dump to be saved on panics for debugging.

Jonathan Burt March 10, 2020 at 1:04 PM
Hi, I had read up on LACP now and understand a bit more. For now have disconnected one of the network ports and everything is going OK. Just not sure what it's been fine for the last 3 years and now suddenly a problem.

Jonathan Burt March 3, 2020 at 10:30 AM
Hi Alex, unfortunately networking is one area in which I am weak, however the sever has been running for 3-years now with the two network ports active on the separate IP numbers, it's only now I seem to have a problem. Happy to accept its network, what I was expecting as it was linked to the Jails starting up and most probably allocating IP/mac address - which I understand has changed in v11.3.
However, I'm not sure what you mean by "two network interfaces with IP addresses from the same segment" nor what "LACP aggregation" is, can you point me to any resources to assist with this?
Also, before I bring up my Jails, would it be useful for me to edit them and "update if necessary" the networking aspects of the Jail configuration?
Thanks, Jonathan

Alexander Motin March 2, 2020 at 7:01 PM
It is difficult to diagnose without seeing state of the problem. I haven't tried to load your config onto real system. But it looks wrong even with jails disables to see two network interfaces with IP addresses from the same segment. You should either disconnect one of them, or, if you really want to use both – configure LACP aggregation on both switch and FreeNAS. Depending how your jails are configured, I suspect you may create some network loop. Please clean up your network config and then les us know if the problem still exist and respective details.

Jonathan Burt March 2, 2020 at 4:06 PM
Server has been running fine for 3 days now, but that is without my Jails enabled though.
The upgrade to 11.3-U1 crashed again on my server, so I've tried a new clean install (reformating boot drive) from USB, and it now boots...
But once I upload my saved configuration and the server goes though the reboot, after a short time the server hangs-up completely requiring a hardware power-off. Using an IPMI connection to see the "server screen", I see that the following appears after a short period of time, and this is when it crashes:
and on another try:
I'm assuming this is perhaps Jail linked and if my Jails are corrupted or somehow their setup is causing the issue, I more then happy to recreate them from scratch - however, no idea how to edit my offline config save to remove Jail entries or even if it's possible.
I don't really want to have to re-setup the server from scratch, and really want to use my saved config file, and unfortunately I don't have a previous version to boot from due to the crash I had initially.
I could download and install an older version, but I know my Jails might fail as they were upgrade with 11.3, and not 100% sure if my pool was upgraded automatically with the 11.3-U1 update.
Not sure how to progress, any idea?