Is the email field under Services/UPS superfluous?
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Katalon Manual Tests (BETA)

Bug Clerk July 8, 2021 at 10:49 PM

Basil Hendroff June 15, 2021 at 6:40 PM
Debug file as requested

Basil Hendroff June 15, 2021 at 6:33 PM
TrueNAS 12.0-U3.1 predominantly, but the issue is true for 11.3-U5 and 12.0-U4 as well.

Bonnie Follweiler June 14, 2021 at 8:56 PM
Thank you for the report, .
Can you please specify what version of FreeNAS/TreNAS/SCALE you are using? Also, if possible can you attach a debug file to this ticket? To generate a debug file on TrueNAS CORE, log in to the TrueNAS web interface, go to System > Advanced, then click Save Debug and wait for the file to download to your local system. In TrueNAS SCALE, this option is in System Settings > Advanced.

Bonnie Follweiler June 14, 2021 at 8:54 PM
The comments in the Topic:
The new UI concentrates e-mail into 3 places, from what I've seen.
Root's e-mail address, under Accounts->Users. From what I can tell, this is only used for OS-level alerts, which should be very rare.
System->Email, which defines the external mail settings.
System->Alert Services->Email. If this is blank, it will use the setting from 2.
Jails and plugins need to have their e-mail set up individually.
An I correct that the only SMTP settings are in 2 System->Email?
It's the smtp setting I am worried about because I have only changed smtp provider, not the addresses/domain.
IIUC the only place that I would need to change is 2 System->Email - Correct?
Correct. System->Email is the only place to define external SMTP parameters.
While UPS triggers are covered under System > Alert Settings, there's still an email field under Services > UPS. It's unclear whether this is defunct now, or whether it still needs to be configured? If it's defunct, it should really be removed from the latter to avoid any ambiguity.


More info in this forum post