Improve how logout timeout works


The are complaints about how logout time out works:

See what can be improved, either by logout duration be more configurable or by extending session duration if user is active within WebUI.

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Automation for Jira February 8, 2023 at 2:44 PM

This issue has now been closed. Comments made after this point may not be viewed by the TrueNAS Teams. Please open a new issue if you have found a problem or need to re-engage with the TrueNAS Engineering Teams.

Bug Clerk January 31, 2023 at 6:51 AM

Wolf Noble December 26, 2022 at 4:14 AM

Ideally, this should be:

  • tunable on a per truenas install basis

  • tunable from truecommand

  • configurable within the web UI

  • per-user/group-tunable up to the max-limit set per parent (usergroup/instance/cluster/whatever)

  • logs/events should occur around changes (limits changed/ timeouts occurred)

    • this facilitates other things subscribing to the events to do things like nuking app-related sessions, or cluster-scoped sessions/etc

Ievgen Stepanovych November 29, 2022 at 1:20 PM


  • In 22.12.1 switch webui to use api.login_with_token. This endpoint should be called after we generate a token.

  • In 22.12.1 and Cobia, add a timeout mechanism to webui. After a certain period of inactivity (decide how to determine this) warn user that they may be logged out with an option to extend session.
    Let’s try to do this in a nicer way than just a dialog.
    If session is not extended, forget token and take user to login screen.

razvan.grigore November 28, 2022 at 1:59 PM

Not sure why this does not get traction, as I saw discussions about it both on the forum/github and there is even a blog post about this now:

Should be an easy fix and this woul save a lot of frustrations.

Thank you for such a great product!

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Katalon Platform

Created October 31, 2021 at 6:51 AM
Updated June 30, 2023 at 3:49 PM
Resolved February 8, 2023 at 2:43 PM