LXC support in Truenas Scale

Jip de Beer January 26, 2024 at 9:02 PM
For anyone interested in LXC on SCALE, you may be interested to know it’s currently possible to run Incus (LXC, LXD, KVM) inside a systemd-nspawn container made with jailmaker. Nothing but a PoC so far, but it seems to work well.

Foxtrot January 6, 2024 at 2:02 PM
Hello, is there any timeframe when will you add LXC? I used it in Proxmox as lightweight alternative to VMs and I very much look forward when it’s available in TrueNAS Scale. But since it’s already two years and still unscreened in backlog I just wanna ask what is the plan. Thanks.

Rex Zhang December 22, 2023 at 2:52 PMEdited
too heavy
cann’t direct access host’s file system(need qemu 9pfs)
cann’t share memory resource
heavy too
for cluster, but i am not have cluster(some where), many people don't either
If you just want to run the container, it's too complicated
maybe it’s a better solution

Jip de Beer January 15, 2023 at 5:54 PM
Would it be possible to add the lxc package to for 22.12.2 or 23.10.0? In anticipation/preparation of full LXC integration in the web interface, it would already allow community users to test Linux ‘jails’ on TrueNAS SCALE.
As an experiment I manually installed (via apt) lxc on a 23.10 nightly and was able to easily create containers on my data pool (that way they’ll survive updating the host OS).
I think having lxc available from the command line won’t hurt and it would take away the advantage systemd-nspawn currently has: . I’d prefer to treat TrueNAS SCALE as an appliance and not manually install anything via apt.

Jip de Beer January 7, 2023 at 2:08 PM
While not the same as LXC support, we can already make ‘jails' on TrueNAS scale with systemd-nspawn. I’m experimenting with it in this Gist.


What is LXC?
LXC is a containerized technology which runs "full" Linux OSes with less overhead than VMs does. The closest comparison to the BSD world are FreeBSD jails. The technology LXC uses is very similar to Docker, but with LXC you have a full OS experience. LXC will not replace Docker, but be an additon to Docker (if implemented in Scale).
With LXC in addtion with VMs and Docker, I think this could be a killer feature for TrueNAS Scale and make it a complete OS for both storage and virtualization (though LXC and Docker is not really virtualization).