App disappeared then re-appeared TrueNAS Scale 24.10.2


I opened another ticket earlier but got closed without any action. I was told that there was nothing could be done.

I have a fresh installation, not upgraded from older version. I have around 7 apps including some community apps such as NPM, NextCloud, Minio, Redis, and some custom apps including crowdsec, fail2ban, vault. It has been working nicely since December.

A few days ago, I upgraded all the apps to their latest. Then, I tried to install the Ollama community app, and it failed complaining about out of space in /mnt/.ix-apps volume. From them on, all installed apps disappeared. I tried

  • cleaning up unused docker images

  • rebooting; the apps never showed up, but the containers did get started after reboot.

  • upgrading from to 24.10.2 and rollback

  • timedatectl shows proper RTC time

  • there is no nvidia card in the VM

I can see all the apps and metadata files all preserved properly under /mnt/.ix-apps, containers were brought back online after reboots. They were just not showing up in the UI.

After my ticket was closed. I tried to install an app as a test, after the mariadb app was intalled, navigating away come back to the installed apps page, all apps showed up.

This is great opportunity to improve the reliability of the software. Instead of closing the ticket, at least do some diagnostics. I am offering my time and effort to help.


App disappeared without reason, but after installing another app, old apps reappeared.





Bug Clerk 17 hours ago

Thank you for submitting this TrueNAS Bug Report! So that we can quickly investigate your issue, please attach a Debug file and any other information related to this issue through our secure and private upload service below. Debug files can be generated in the UI by navigating to System -> Advanced -> Save Debug.

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Created 17 hours ago
Updated 17 hours ago