- Strange replication errorsNAS-127410Resolved issue: NAS-127410Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Replicated Zvol not properly detected by UI/middlewareNAS-123096Resolved issue: NAS-123096Ameer Hamza
- Replication task ignores some naming conventionNAS-122024Resolved issue: NAS-122024Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Replicating Pull encrypted to existing non-encrypted dataset, get error saying 'has data' when dataset emptyNAS-121383Resolved issue: NAS-121383William Gryzbowski
- Sudo Enabled dialog appears for Local source location replicationNAS-121378Resolved issue: NAS-121378Alex Karpov
- ZFS send/receive on same system fails with reference to encryption (not active)NAS-119638Resolved issue: NAS-119638Triage Team
- Replication Tasks between two TruenNAS SCALE 22.12: Destination part requires mandatory root user to initiate replicationNAS-119605Resolved issue: NAS-119605Vladimir Vinogradenko
- ZFS replication causing unscheduled reboot on destinationNAS-116927Resolved issue: NAS-116927Ameer Hamza
- Long replication output runs off of the screen and can't be scrolledNAS-116300Resolved issue: NAS-116300Rehan Yousaf
- Only the first selected dataset obey snapshot retention policy on replicationNAS-116279Resolved issue: NAS-116279Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Encountering fairly frequent panics during ZFS replicationNAS-116147Resolved issue: NAS-116147Triage Team
- zfs send -Rwp of encrypted datasets, sends corrupted dataNAS-116004Resolved issue: NAS-116004Triage Team
- Replicated encrypted datasets have to be unlocked one by one which is very impracticalNAS-115815Resolved issue: NAS-115815Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Replication tels lies to Storage poolsNAS-114418Resolved issue: NAS-114418Triage Team
- Permanent errors after replication of encrypted datasetsNAS-114004Resolved issue: NAS-114004Triage Team
- Unable to continue after replication task failsNAS-113258Resolved issue: NAS-113258Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Replication failure because of missing argument in ReplicationTaskSuccessNAS-110663Resolved issue: NAS-110663Triage Team
- Unable to hold snapshots from pull replicationNAS-110168Resolved issue: NAS-110168Triage Team
- middlewared (zettarepl) zombie processNAS-109727Resolved issue: NAS-109727Triage Team
- replication does not work after upgrade to 12.0-U2.1NAS-109656Resolved issue: NAS-109656Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Replicating certain files reliably crashes TrueNASNAS-108542Resolved issue: NAS-108542Triage Team
- Replication tasks created with API generated key pairs fail to authenticateNAS-108234Resolved issue: NAS-108234Triage Team
- Replication failed: cannot send <snapshot name>: encrypted dataset may not be sent with properties without the raw flagNAS-108220Resolved issue: NAS-108220Vladimir Vinogradenko
- SSH is getting blocked between FreeNAS 11.3 machinesNAS-107642Resolved issue: NAS-107642Triage Team
- Replicated datasets of encrypted pools to another encrypted pool is inaccessibleNAS-107419Resolved issue: NAS-107419Dennis Mullen
- Error removing exclusion clield datasetNAS-106810Resolved issue: NAS-106810Triage Team
- ZFS replication does not create datasets on targetNAS-106658Resolved issue: NAS-106658Vladimir Vinogradenko
- ZFS replicate recursive fails: No such file or directoryNAS-106435Resolved issue: NAS-106435Vladimir Vinogradenko
- After a day, many zfs receives all hungNAS-105165Resolved issue: NAS-105165Triage Team
- System crashed while receiving zfs send streamNAS-105152Resolved issue: NAS-105152Triage Team
- Do not close replication task log dialog on outside clickNAS-103501Resolved issue: NAS-103501Lola Yang
- Persist SSH Connection dialog until cancelledNAS-103309Resolved issue: NAS-103309Lola Yang
- Replication naming schema improvementsNAS-102058Resolved issue: NAS-102058Vladimir Vinogradenko
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