- Fix alert service schemasNAS-102579Resolved issue: NAS-102579Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Unscheduled system reboots only after upgrading to FreeNAS-11.2NAS-101831Resolved issue: NAS-101831Alexander Motin
- Deleting a mount point in a jail clears entire Fstab entry for Jail and all other mountpointsNAS-101765Resolved issue: NAS-101765Waqar Ahmed
- Fix array out of bound panic in oce(4) driverNAS-101745Resolved issue: NAS-101745Alexander Motin
- Volume degraded - Different sources show different disks failedNAS-101701Resolved issue: NAS-101701Triage Team
- "Update" plugin button still doesn't update the plugin 11.2-U4NAS-101695Resolved issue: NAS-101695Brandon
- WARNING: Unable to load kernel module green_saverNAS-101690Resolved issue: NAS-101690Triage Team
- Fix issue that prevented submission of bug report from Support tab of UINAS-101676Resolved issue: NAS-101676Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Infrequent resolving issues while installing/updating plexNAS-101671Resolved issue: NAS-101671Waqar Ahmed
- Storage Reporting FalseNAS-101666Resolved issue: NAS-101666Triage Team
- Ability to automatically start VM after unlocking encrypted poolNAS-101664Resolved issue: NAS-101664Triage Team
- Update Endpoint URL help text in new UINAS-101652Resolved issue: NAS-101652Timothy Moore II
- intermittent mdnsd errorNAS-101646Resolved issue: NAS-101646Andrew Walker
- Editing but not changing mount points, then saving = tracebackNAS-101645Resolved issue: NAS-101645Triage Team
- PluginNAS-101636Resolved issue: NAS-101636Triage Team
- Rsync task, GUI broken spaces in path handlingNAS-101634Resolved issue: NAS-101634Waqar Ahmed
- ftp service failed interrupted system callNAS-101628Resolved issue: NAS-101628Triage Team
- Only create zfs snapshot when bytes are writtenNAS-101627Resolved issue: NAS-101627William Gryzbowski
- Ensure iocage uses the correct dataset when upgrading/deleting pluginsNAS-101624Resolved issue: NAS-101624Brandon
- Use dashes instead of underscores for iocage hostnamesNAS-101623Resolved issue: NAS-101623Brandon
- Unknown syslog-ng errorsNAS-101621Resolved issue: NAS-101621Waqar Ahmed
- Can't report bugs from 11.2-U3NAS-101620Resolved issue: NAS-101620Triage Team
- rrdcached brings machine to a crawl on many core processorNAS-101619Resolved issue: NAS-101619Triage Team
- Improve wording used in quota alertNAS-101617Resolved issue: NAS-101617Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Configure collectd to use daemon(8)NAS-101615Resolved issue: NAS-101615Vladimir Vinogradenko
- CPU temperature could use an aggregated viewNAS-101614Resolved issue: NAS-101614Triage Team
- Rsync Task gives core dump in syslogNAS-101613Resolved issue: NAS-101613Waqar Ahmed
- My freenas operates at 180000% CPUNAS-101606Resolved issue: NAS-101606Damian Szidiropulosz
- SSH Service Fails to start with "extra options" enabledNAS-101605Resolved issue: NAS-101605Waqar Ahmed
- Locking all drives with sedhelper setup gives tracebackNAS-101603Resolved issue: NAS-101603William Gryzbowski
- Character names for font icons like "lock" appear momentarilyNAS-101602Resolved issue: NAS-101602Triage Team
- Services->Rsync Modules isn't in the Legacy UINAS-101601Resolved issue: NAS-101601William Gryzbowski
- Address dashboard memory leakNAS-101598Resolved issue: NAS-101598Damian Szidiropulosz
- Fix bug in legacy UI wizard that prevented edits from being savedNAS-101592Resolved issue: NAS-101592Waqar Ahmed
- ZFS Dashboard Widget Gives Incorrect Size/Free SpaceNAS-101585Resolved issue: NAS-101585Erin Clark
- Ensure HTTPS is used for updatesNAS-101583Resolved issue: NAS-101583Waqar Ahmed
- NTP client won't sync with serversNAS-101580Resolved issue: NAS-101580Triage Team
- FreeNAS Replication Failing if Dataset has Space in NameNAS-101576Resolved issue: NAS-101576Triage Team
- Add feature to Init/Shutdown Scripts to execute a script after unlocking a pool.NAS-101565Resolved issue: NAS-101565Triage Team
- IOCage does not include iocage promote commandNAS-101564Resolved issue: NAS-101564Brandon
- Cannot do Advanced Jail CreationNAS-101563Resolved issue: NAS-101563Triage Team
- Register new size when increasing size of boot poolNAS-101562Resolved issue: NAS-101562Waqar Ahmed
- Warn when entering iocage console if user has changed ownership/permissions for /usr/libNAS-101560Resolved issue: NAS-101560Waqar Ahmed
- Can't load nvdimm module on FN 11.2-U3NAS-101559Resolved issue: NAS-101559Alexander Motin
- Emby plugin errorNAS-101547Resolved issue: NAS-101547Triage Team
- Update Python3 to 3.6.8_1NAS-101545Resolved issue: NAS-101545Waqar Ahmed
- Align checkboxes in new UI with the center of their labelsNAS-101541Resolved issue: NAS-101541Dennis Mullen
- Avoid stopping/restarting AD service on passive controller when using unified configurationNAS-101540Resolved issue: NAS-101540Andrew Walker
- Disallow spaces in hours field of task schedulerNAS-101538Resolved issue: NAS-101538Dennis Mullen
- Adjusting dataset quota in new GUI causes an EFAULT errorNAS-101534Resolved issue: NAS-101534Triage Team
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