- Switching pool for Plugins should stop all jails firstNAS-108175Triage Team
- Chrome does not recognize the login form as a login formNAS-108174Resolved issue: NAS-108174Triage Team
- NextCloud requires the PCNTL extension for PHP for optimal operationNAS-107961Triage Team
- TrueNAS alerted me to a NextCloud update, but the updater says it was already up to dateNAS-107914Resolved issue: NAS-107914Waqar Ahmed
- I can apparently cd into restricted directoriesNAS-107575Resolved issue: NAS-107575Triage Team
- Can't expand poolNAS-107540Resolved issue: NAS-107540Triage Team
- Frequent panics on kern.proc sysctl callsNAS-107499Resolved issue: NAS-107499Triage Team
- Just updated NextCloud Plugin. WebUI now refuses connectionNAS-107475Resolved issue: NAS-107475Kris Moore
- unable to stop vmNAS-107460Resolved issue: NAS-107460Triage Team
- System hang + eventual reboot after using console mouse a littleNAS-107434Resolved issue: NAS-107434Triage Team
- SMB shares go offline until owner password changed in web GUINAS-107422Resolved issue: NAS-107422Triage Team
- Replicated datasets of encrypted pools to another encrypted pool is inaccessibleNAS-107419Resolved issue: NAS-107419Dennis Mullen
- Top level vdev removal seems to be incompletely implemented; no warning given it often can't bve executed.NAS-107397Resolved issue: NAS-107397Triage Team
- 2FA for SSH plus LDAP ignores 2FANAS-107384Resolved issue: NAS-107384Waqar Ahmed
- Services Page Not LoadingNAS-107373Resolved issue: NAS-107373Triage Team
- Manual scrub confirmation text box incorrectNAS-107369Resolved issue: NAS-107369Triage Team
- Scrub causes system "catatonic", apparently due to extreme CPU starvationNAS-107364Resolved issue: NAS-107364Alexander Motin
- Failed to set NT password for scan: Username not found! issue with special charactersNAS-107362Resolved issue: NAS-107362Triage Team
- Configuration upload errorNAS-107359Resolved issue: NAS-107359Triage Team
- Backed up configuration file won't loadNAS-107358Resolved issue: NAS-107358Triage Team
- Can't import pools from CORE to SCALENAS-107350Resolved issue: NAS-107350Ryan Moeller
- high cpu usage by middleware...slow performanceNAS-107348Resolved issue: NAS-107348Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Problems with listing and deleting jails and pluginsNAS-107346Resolved issue: NAS-107346Waqar Ahmed
- 12-BETA2 middleware still having disconnect/dropping/"blocking" issues - interesting log entriesNAS-107338Resolved issue: NAS-107338Triage Team
- Issue with 2FA in TrueNAS Core 12 Beta2NAS-107332Resolved issue: NAS-107332Waqar Ahmed
- ZFS reporting no space, turns out 1TB spare but writes aren't being distributed across devicesNAS-107331Resolved issue: NAS-107331Triage Team
- zfs recv "-x" doesn't comply with man pages , breaks replicationNAS-107329Resolved issue: NAS-107329Triage Team
- ACL editor does not reflect preselected templateNAS-107328Resolved issue: NAS-107328Dennis Mullen
- Robocopy sets incorrect creation dateNAS-107327Resolved issue: NAS-107327Triage Team
- qcow2 image corruption and I/O issues with NFS4NAS-107323Resolved issue: NAS-107323Triage Team
- qcow2 image corruption and I/O issues with NFS4NAS-107322Resolved issue: NAS-107322Triage Team
- iPadOS and iOS unable to connect to TrueNAS UINAS-107311Resolved issue: NAS-107311Triage Team
- Windows size goes wrong when snapshots list scrolled up or downNAS-107303Resolved issue: NAS-107303Triage Team
- Inappropriate message / incorrect handling, when an old config references datasets/vols that no longer exist.NAS-107302Resolved issue: NAS-107302Timothy Moore II
- Bhyve VM [EFAULT] Failed to connect to libvirtNAS-107300Resolved issue: NAS-107300Triage Team
- 12.0-Beta2: UEFI boot of installed system crashes in vmware playerNAS-107298Resolved issue: NAS-107298Triage Team
- zpool "-p" arg is ignored; outputs incorrect dataNAS-107291Resolved issue: NAS-107291Triage Team
- fix tftp binding IP settingNAS-107284Resolved issue: NAS-107284Triage Team
- Fix SSH to have better binding IP optionsNAS-107283Resolved issue: NAS-107283Triage Team
- Fix rsync to bind only to virtual IPNAS-107281Resolved issue: NAS-107281Triage Team
- Fix NFS to allow binding only to appropriate IPsNAS-107280Resolved issue: NAS-107280Triage Team
- Fix services to allow binding only to appropriate IPsNAS-107279Resolved issue: NAS-107279Triage Team
- Fix port binding options for iSCSINAS-107278Resolved issue: NAS-107278Triage Team
- Critical Permissions issue in ZFS on FreeBSDNAS-107270Resolved issue: NAS-107270JT Pennington
- Processes section in top output blank in debugsNAS-107267Resolved issue: NAS-107267Triage Team
- Pool Manager not showing vdevs etcNAS-107266Resolved issue: NAS-107266Ievgen Stepanovych
- TrueNAS 12 appears to have a memory leak?NAS-107264Resolved issue: NAS-107264Triage Team
- When running a scrub from the pools manual it shows a GUI bugNAS-107263Resolved issue: NAS-107263Dennis Mullen
- Installing a windows VM with Virtio Disk diriver disconnects VNCNAS-107262Resolved issue: NAS-107262Triage Team
- Creation date lost on move from Windows 10 clientNAS-107261Resolved issue: NAS-107261Andrew Walker
Switching pool for Plugins should stop all jails first
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Kris Moore July 18, 2024 at 6:06 PM
Thank you for submitting this feature request! To better accommodate and gauge community interest for future versions of TrueNAS we have moved the submission process to our TrueNAS Community Forums. If this feature is still important and relevant for consideration, please refer to the links below on how to submit it for community voting and TrueNAS roadmap review.
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Maximilian Doerr November 3, 2020 at 10:50 PM
@Joe Maloney please explain why this is a gathering interest ticket. This is a bug as existing jails still running will conflict if an identical plugin is installed on a different pool causing errors. This was discovered by @Waqar Ahmed and he told me to report this as a bug.
When switching to a different pool for iocage, all jails should be stopped first.