- Suddenly newly installed apps is forever "Deploying"NAS-116766Resolved issue: NAS-116766Triage Team
- [SCALE] Quota critical/warning alert cannot be 0NAS-115902Resolved issue: NAS-115902Alex Karpov
- Booting stuck at "Import ZFS pools"(TrueNAS SCALE)NAS-115444Resolved issue: NAS-115444Triage Team
- Upgrading from 22.02-RC.2 to RELEASE failingNAS-115041Resolved issue: NAS-115041Vladimir Vinogradenko
- simplify network_interfaces tableNAS-114954Resolved issue: NAS-114954Caleb
- Installer failed to mount update fileNAS-114951Resolved issue: NAS-114951Triage Team
- Core files for the following executables were found: /usr/bin/python3.9NAS-114928Resolved issue: NAS-114928Triage Team
- MARVELL NIC QL41132HLCU-CK 10G not supportedNAS-114916Resolved issue: NAS-114916Triage Team
- Upgrading from TrueNAS Core 12.0-U8 to TrueNAS Scale 22.02.RC.2 errors outNAS-114903Resolved issue: NAS-114903Triage Team
- Remove Disable Hardware Offload checkbox from webUINAS-114881Resolved issue: NAS-114881Alex Karpov
- The following system core files were found: /usr/bin/udevadmNAS-114853Resolved issue: NAS-114853Umer Saleem
- Installing on mirrored boot poolNAS-114838Resolved issue: NAS-114838Triage Team
- VLAN with multiple IP address not working from GUI when boot systemNAS-114837Resolved issue: NAS-114837Caleb
- Why is the first-level menu of user settings "Certificate"NAS-114836Resolved issue: NAS-114836Triage Team
- Error when disabling Hardware Offloading on physical interfaceNAS-114833Resolved issue: NAS-114833Caleb
- Send Test Email Error Dialogue is UnclearableNAS-114832Resolved issue: NAS-114832Triage Team
- Core files for the following executables were found: /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64NAS-114796Resolved issue: NAS-114796Triage Team
- Reporting database used size 1.13 GiB is larger than 1.13 GiB.NAS-114781Resolved issue: NAS-114781Vladimir Vinogradenko
- AD error repeatsNAS-114772Resolved issue: NAS-114772Triage Team
- Changing Kerberos Principal from nothing to "---" breaks AD formNAS-114769Resolved issue: NAS-114769Alex Karpov
- K3s fails on creation of (bad) truecharts appNAS-114768Resolved issue: NAS-114768Triage Team
- AD Settings hang due to missing variableNAS-114767Resolved issue: NAS-114767Triage Team
- Reporting is not working properly when WebUI is set to foreign languageNAS-114763Resolved issue: NAS-114763Triage Team
- TrueNas Scale Cloud Sync Remote folder reset to /NAS-114751Resolved issue: NAS-114751Alex Karpov
- Dropbox API tokens auto-expireNAS-114717Resolved issue: NAS-114717Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Connection timed out during banner exchangeNAS-114711Resolved issue: NAS-114711Triage Team
- "mail_html" not in sys.module errorNAS-114702Resolved issue: NAS-114702Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Disk Useage in Pools incorrectly reportedNAS-114681Resolved issue: NAS-114681Triage Team
- TrueNAS SCALE Stuck on "Loading Initial Ramdisk"NAS-114670Resolved issue: NAS-114670Umer Saleem
- POD deployment stuck after changing k8 advanced settingNAS-114663Resolved issue: NAS-114663Triage Team
- L2ARC size increases after rebootNAS-114657Resolved issue: NAS-114657Ameer Hamza
- Deleting a VM and it's data crashes TrueNAS ScaleNAS-114634Resolved issue: NAS-114634Triage Team
- fix get_smartd_schedule_piecesNAS-114623Resolved issue: NAS-114623Caleb
- Unable to pass Nvidia GT730 to VMNAS-114602Resolved issue: NAS-114602Triage Team
- Cloud Sync Directory Selection UI MismatchNAS-114598Resolved issue: NAS-114598Triage Team
- webUI network interface icons not workingNAS-114597Resolved issue: NAS-114597Alex Karpov
- After migration to Truenas Scale from Truenas Core on new hardware, disks containing pool are not detected.NAS-114552Resolved issue: NAS-114552Triage Team
- Isolated GPUNAS-114543Resolved issue: NAS-114543Triage Team
- NFS Path with "spaces" never shows upNAS-114541Resolved issue: NAS-114541Andrew Walker
- Wrong time format in Data ProtectionNAS-114540Resolved issue: NAS-114540Triage Team
- TrueNAS Scale does not report temperature for Ryzen 5 5600gNAS-114537Resolved issue: NAS-114537Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Kubernetes unusable after adding 2nd network bridge to ScaleNAS-114519Resolved issue: NAS-114519Muhammad Rehan
- After removing GPU from system, GPU still shows up in Apps/Chart configNAS-114514Resolved issue: NAS-114514Muhammad Rehan
- pylibzfs - add checks for memory allocationsNAS-114510Resolved issue: NAS-114510Andrew Walker
- Writes to SMB share always have group set to 'builtin_users'NAS-114504Resolved issue: NAS-114504Triage Team
- micro optimization in get_Kstat on SCALENAS-114500Resolved issue: NAS-114500Caleb
- CVE-2022-44142 (SMB) - update samba to 4.13.17 (12.0) and 4.15.5 (13.0 and SCALE)NAS-114468Resolved issue: NAS-114468Andrew Walker
- Signin stuck at "Checking HA Status"NAS-114442Resolved issue: NAS-114442Triage Team
- Hostname lookups for "ix-truenas" hitting external DNS serverNAS-114441Resolved issue: NAS-114441Triage Team
- Changing GUI Ports Doesnt Restart Web ServiceNAS-114440Resolved issue: NAS-114440Triage Team
1-50 of 149
1 of 149
I'm suddenly not able to deploy new installed apps. Event logs states:
"waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "" or manually created by system administrator."
I however came around this with:
k3s kubectl delete -n kube-system pod/openebs-zfs-controller-0 --force
k3s kubectl delete -n kube-system pod/openebs-zfs-node-6pf9z --force
I just though I should report it.