- Replace eventTC-3282Resolved issue: TC-3282Zack
- Fix encryption usage for replication tasksTC-3281Resolved issue: TC-3281
- Forbid changing gids on FT+TC-3277Resolved issue: TC-3277Zack
- Update CPU reportingTC-3276Resolved issue: TC-3276Zack
- Switch system ping to use core.pingTC-3275Resolved issue: TC-3275Zack
- Update expected reporting realtime structure on FangtoothTC-3274Resolved issue: TC-3274Zack
- Anticipate insecure logins on on FT+TC-3273Resolved issue: TC-3273Zack
- Update usage of HostInfo product fieldTC-3272Resolved issue: TC-3272Zack
- Permit job IDs with a string typeTC-3271Resolved issue: TC-3271Zack
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