11.2-release GUI Reporting Disk - Missing / bogus data shown in graph
SmartDraw Connector
Katalon Manual Tests (BETA)

Dru Lavigne June 7, 2019 at 6:30 PM
Damien: please watch the related ticket for the resolution of this issue.

Damien Myracle March 6, 2019 at 3:11 AM
Erin Clark wrote:
> Could you possibly try the following on your system from the cli?
> [...]
> And then post the info into the ticket.
Hello Erin, here's the std out of this command:
root@nas01:~ # midclt call disk.query
[{"identifier": "{serial_lunid}114340300185_5001b445aacb8199", "name": "ada0", "subsystem": "ada", "number": 0, "serial": "114340300185", "size": "16013942784", "multipath_name": "", "multipath_member": "", "description": "os-ssd", "transfermode": "Auto", "hddstandby": "ALWAYS ON", "advpowermgmt": "DISABLED", "acousticlevel": "DISABLED", "togglesmart": true, "smartoptions": "", "expiretime": null, "enclosure_slot": null, "passwd": ""}, {"identifier": "{serial_lunid}WX21AC2F7988_50014ee658662a27", "name": "da0", "subsystem": "da", "number": 0, "serial": "WX21AC2F7988", "size": "750156374016", "multipath_name": "", "multipath_member": "", "description": "slot-5", "transfermode": "Auto", "hddstandby": "ALWAYS ON", "advpowermgmt": "DISABLED", "acousticlevel": "DISABLED", "togglesmart": true, "smartoptions": "", "expiretime": null, "enclosure_slot": null, "passwd": ""}, {"identifier": "{serial_lunid}13BDS7SPS_5000039485c03de8", "name": "da1", "subsystem": "da", "number": 1, "serial": "13BDS7SPS", "size": "750156374016", "multipath_name": "", "multipath_member": "", "description": "slot-6", "transfermode": "Auto", "hddstandby": "ALWAYS ON", "advpowermgmt": "DISABLED", "acousticlevel": "DISABLED", "togglesmart": true, "smartoptions": "", "expiretime": null, "enclosure_slot": null, "passwd": ""}, {"identifier": "{serial_lunid}Y1RECLVIT_50000393a398c40f", "name": "da2", "subsystem": "da", "number": 2, "serial": "Y1RECLVIT", "size": "750156374016", "multipath_name": "", "multipath_member": "", "description": "slot-7", "transfermode": "Auto", "hddstandby": "ALWAYS ON", "advpowermgmt": "DISABLED", "acousticlevel": "DISABLED", "togglesmart": true, "smartoptions": "", "expiretime": null, "enclosure_slot": null, "passwd": ""}, {"identifier": "{serial_lunid}JA13001HG3DD7A_5000cca6c4c18ba4", "name": "da3", "subsystem": "da", "number": 3, "serial": "JA13001HG3DD7A", "size": "750156374016", "multipath_name": "", "multipath_member": "", "description": "slot-8", "transfermode": "Auto", "hddstandby": "ALWAYS ON", "advpowermgmt": "DISABLED", "acousticlevel": "DISABLED", "togglesmart": true, "smartoptions": "", "expiretime": null, "enclosure_slot": null, "passwd": ""}, {"identifier": "{serial_lunid}Z5APTVZUT_50000396b1c03a62", "name": "da4", "subsystem": "da", "number": 4, "serial": "Z5APTVZUT", "size": "1000204886016", "multipath_name": "", "multipath_member": "", "description": "slot-1", "transfermode": "Auto", "hddstandby": "ALWAYS ON", "advpowermgmt": "DISABLED", "acousticlevel": "DISABLED", "togglesmart": true, "smartoptions": "", "expiretime": null, "enclosure_slot": null, "passwd": ""}, {"identifier": "{serial_lunid}24H4P2K3T_5000039552305f85", "name": "da5", "subsystem": "da", "number": 5, "serial": "24H4P2K3T", "size": "1000204886016", "multipath_name": "", "multipath_member": "", "description": "slot-3", "transfermode": "Auto", "hddstandby": "ALWAYS ON", "advpowermgmt": "DISABLED", "acousticlevel": "DISABLED", "togglesmart": true, "smartoptions": "", "expiretime": null, "enclosure_slot": null, "passwd": ""}, {"identifier": "{serial_lunid}JD1092DP0KL72V_5000cca82dc7febc", "name": "da6", "subsystem": "da", "number": 6, "serial": "JD1092DP0KL72V", "size": "1000204886016", "multipath_name": "", "multipath_member": "", "description": "slot-4", "transfermode": "Auto", "hddstandby": "ALWAYS ON", "advpowermgmt": "DISABLED", "acousticlevel": "DISABLED", "togglesmart": true, "smartoptions": "", "expiretime": null, "enclosure_slot": null, "passwd": ""}, {"identifier": "{serial_lunid}JR1004BNKLZ64M_5000cca8e6f2e68d", "name": "da7", "subsystem": "da", "number": 7, "serial": "JR1004BNKLZ64M", "size": "1000204886016", "multipath_name": "", "multipath_member": "", "description": "slot-2", "transfermode": "Auto", "hddstandby": "ALWAYS ON", "advpowermgmt": "DISABLED", "acousticlevel": "DISABLED", "togglesmart": true, "smartoptions": "", "expiretime": null, "enclosure_slot": null, "passwd": ""}]
root@nas01:~ #
Also, please note, there is second disk now shown in the list: Reporting -> Disk -> Devoices
In the 'unfolded' menu, there is yet new drive listed, bringing a total count of drives to 11, while in reality, there is 8 drives used for storage + 1 drive for OS = total 9 physical drives connected to the system and not 11 as it is reported in UI.
Please see screen-shot attached.
Please what else can I do to help to diagnose this issues.
Thank you.
Damien Myracle

Erin Clark March 5, 2019 at 11:56 PM
Damain: do you know how this gets populated? Any obvious reason why it wouldn't be restricted to disk.query's data? My box does not seem to have this issue.

Erin Clark March 5, 2019 at 11:50 PM
Could you possibly try the following on your system from the cli?
midclt call disk.query
And then post the info into the ticket.

Damien Myracle March 5, 2019 at 11:45 PM
William Grzybowski wrote:
> Can you see the numbers for that disk in legacy UI reporting?
Hi guys, just want to touch-base on a status:'blocked' of this ticket... is there any additional information needed to continue on this ticket? Please let me know.
Thank you.
Damien Myracle
While running a FreeNAS ver: 11.2-RELEASE, encounter a missing data / empty graph for one of the HDDs attached to the system.
GUI Path: Main menu -> Reporting -> Disk ... graph mode 'Column'
Reported graph data is bogus giving an impression that there is no IO on this specific drive. Drive is part of the actively used pool. Legacy UI 'Reporting' graphs do reflect actual data showing drive participating in pool and performing as expected.
Please see attached screen-shot.
Please note - in general, performance of the 'Reporting' section of the new UI very slow/sluggish and inconsistent in results relative to the legacy UI.
Please note, the actual size of the elements of the new UI, including 'Reporting' section is so large, it's very difficult to review the graphs in the useful manner. Elements and graphs so oversizes that using browser with a default zoom level of a 100%, user has to stretch the with the the browser window to the full available with on the monitor with 1600x900 resolution.
For a system admins, typically using a smaller console type monitors in the rack, or a laptop, this is very uncomfortable.
Dev team, please consider to resize default size of the UI elements to fit better in the window of the browsers running on a none extra wide types of the monitors.
Client connected to the system for administration:
OS: Debian 9 (Stretch) + Gnome Desktop
Browser01: Mozilla Firefox Ver: 60.4.0esr (64-bit)
Browser02: Chromium Version 71.0.3578.80
Protocol: HTTP
Issue persist regarding of the brand/version of the browser(s) used.
Dev team of the FreeNAS, thank you for your development efforts and hard work of coding. I love your FreeNAS / TrueNAS storage solutions.
Damien Myracle