Use middleware job to apply default permissions on an existing dataset to avoid timeouts
SmartDraw Connector
Katalon Manual Tests (BETA)

Eric Turgeon June 12, 2019 at 6:54 PMEdited
Applying the default permission with API and UI looks to work fine with the latest PR.

Bug Clerk May 28, 2019 at 2:18 PM

Bonnie Follweiler April 26, 2019 at 1:50 PM
Good Morning Pat
Thank you for the feedback. We appreciate any tips that will assist us with more effective communications

Pat Dobyns April 26, 2019 at 3:48 AM
Now I see the Document Vault and the plus. It appears that the attachment button also adds to the document vault. Ignore the second copy. Apparently the attachment button adds it to the vault instantly even if you cancel the comment or delete the attachment..

Pat Dobyns April 26, 2019 at 3:44 AM
Sorry for only now replying, your email went to my spam folder, I only saw this because I just checked up on it tonight and saw your comment. Generating the debug wasn't a problem but I'm afraid I looked for quite sometime and never found a document vault or a + button next to it.
While I appreciate your help, do not assume I or anyone else knows how to use this particular bug tracking system. I don't. First off, you have to be logged in, I was not, not at all obvious. Second, once you log in, a Document Vault magically shows up on the left sidebar menu, but no pluses next to it at all and selecting that menu option only takes you to a query screen with no obvious place to add a document. One might think the create button up top would do that but obviously not. I finally gave up and am trying an attachment instead. Not trying to complain too much but merely letting you know if you need anything further, you will need to be much more explicit. You would be surprised how much you take for granted without even realizing it things that are very obvious and simple to you and inexplicable to others without extensive experience on the platform.
There is a link button and an attachment button, not clear the distinction, I will try the attachment button. Wish me luck.
Attempt to add a SMB Share, take all defaults with default permissions checked.
On new GUI, you get the spinner for awhile, then the spnner stops but you remain on the Add SMB share save screen. The share is created but if you try to edit it, the default permissions check box is unchecked.
On old GUI, after while you get a CallTimeout exception see attached. Again the share is created but default permissions remains unchecked.
If I then check the default permissions and save, you get the same error repeatedly every time.
I have tried this a dozen times and get the same error. I stopped, then restarted the SMB service with no effect.