Scrub e-mail subjects incorrect
SmartDraw Connector
Katalon Manual Tests (BETA)

Vladimir Vinogradenko August 2, 2019 at 3:54 PM
I've installed 11.2-U3, and e-mail about scrub start was the same:
These e-mails will be better organized in upcoming 11.3 release (they will use alerts subsystem). Thank you for your feedback.

James Edmonds August 2, 2019 at 9:24 AM
Unfortunately I do not have any examples left from when the subject used to read differently, as I used to delete them.
I then set a rule to move them to a folder based on the subject of the message. I noticed shortly afterwards the messages were appearing in my inbox rather than the expected folder. This then turned out to be because the subject did not match what was set in my rule.
Whilst I cannot provide an example message, or exact wording of the subject, I am sure it was different in 11.2-U3 or 11.1.
If it was not the case and if I am mistaken, can it be raised as a feature request to have the subject fall more in line with other messages?
For example, a finished scrub has subject of: scrub finished
Could a scrub start have a subject of: scrub started for poolname

Vladimir Vinogradenko July 31, 2019 at 9:00 PM
can you please post an example of e-mail you were getting previously?
These e-mails are sent by cron daemon and they always had that form:
Subject: Cron <root@freenas> /usr/local/libexec/nas/scrub -t 7 freenas-boot
Body: starting scrub of pool 'freenas-boot'

James Edmonds July 25, 2019 at 9:38 PM
An automatic scrub of freenas-boot has just run, and I received a start notification e-mail, subject was:
Cron <root@Eds-FS> /usr/local/libexec/nas/scrub -t 7 freenas-boot

James Edmonds July 24, 2019 at 9:05 PM
Thanks for that. Annoyingly, updating now seems to prevent me getting any kind of e-mail to advise the scrub has started (am still waiting to see if I get a scrub completed e-mail).
The e-mail subjects of my scrub job email reports, seem to be completely changed to how they used to be.
The subject used to be something along the lines of:
"Scrub started for pool xxx"
Now, they look like this:
"Cron <root@Eds-FS> PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/root/bin" /usr/local/libexec/nas/scrub -t 10"
As there is no way for me to change the settings/subject of these scrub emails, can this either be presented as an option in the GUI, or corrected to show the correct subject.