Jumbled screen on FreeNAS installation on MacPro3,1


I´m trying to install FreeNas on a MacPro3,1, using two pens: one for installation and the other for running the system.

After creating installation pen with image (as explained on video using Balena) the system - an old but solid MacPro - boots up until first menu with perfectly correct graphics.

Then, after first menu, the screen becomes "out of sync"!

It looks like if the lines that compose the image are broken with wrong length. After that its impossible to choose disks, and so on, because the menus became unreadable.

After searching the internet, i found suggestions like: entering "mode 0" or setting kern.vty=vc, but nothing worked.

Additionaly: the command "gop" returns "no Graphics Output Protocol present" (maybe not exacly like this. I´m telling by memory);

and the command "uga" says that could not confirm the stride value (once again, maybe not exacly like this. I´m not near the machine right now, i can´t tell exacly whats the message)

I would appreciate any help, since now i´m stucked without ideas on how to pass the problem.






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Katalon Manual Tests (BETA)



Dru Lavigne November 22, 2019 at 3:22 PM

a minimum of 8GB is required. Can that system accept more RAM?

João A. Soledad November 22, 2019 at 3:00 PM

The machine is a MacPro3,1 with 6GB RAM, latest firmware available and as is booting from a GPT partition (Apple only choice) created on the Mac.

The problem is showing in the attached video.

Dru Lavigne November 19, 2019 at 10:32 PM

how much RAM is on that system?

Does the BIOS support booting from a GPT partition and is the BIOS updated to its latest version?

Is the CPU 64-bit?

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Katalon Platform

Created November 14, 2019 at 5:24 PM
Updated July 1, 2022 at 4:43 PM
Resolved November 22, 2019 at 1:35 PM