HDD Temperature doesn't show in Dashboard and Reporting UI



After searching in people reported bugs and iXsystems Community forum, It seems like I have a unique issue. I've found people said that their HDD temperature doesn't show up if they have more than one pool (which will fix in v.11.3). Or some people reporting their HDD temperature show up with a delay. Other people were saying they had HDD Temp issue before v.11.2 U3, but my problem is none of them.

I've actually had HDD temperature in Dashboard and Reporting UI when I've had upgraded from v.11.1 to v.11.2 and I had it until v.11.2 U3 (even though with a noticeable delay. But after v.11.2 U3, it's vanished and never showed up again. I'm currently on v.11.2 U6 and still no sigh of HDD temperature in the UI.

Dashboard UI:

Reporting UI:

The S.M.A.R.T service is enabled, and I can see the temperature of my hard drives in CLI:

Please advise if you need me any logfile or debug info to provide.





SmartDraw Connector

Katalon Manual Tests (BETA)



Omid Khalili February 12, 2020 at 1:33 AM

Created another ticket for v.11.3 as this issue is closed and no one paying attention or replying to it anymore.

Omid Khalili February 9, 2020 at 10:45 PM

I've upgraded to V.11.3 and issue still exists as per attached pictures:

And Still showing the temperature of my hard drives in CLI exactly same as before:

Dru Lavigne November 15, 2019 at 1:17 PM

closing the ticket for now as this should be fixed in 11.3 (which is in BETA1 status). Once you have a chance to update to 11.3 (or if you get a chance to test the BETA), leave a comment on this ticket should the issue still persist for you.

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Katalon Platform

Created November 15, 2019 at 4:44 AM
Updated July 1, 2022 at 4:43 PM
Resolved November 15, 2019 at 1:17 PM