Use bookmarks if possible when no common snapshots exist

Competition Assessment


SmartDraw Connector

Katalon Manual Tests (BETA)



Winnie Linnie June 1, 2024 at 1:47 PM

Why was this closed?

The link to the GitHub issue is a dead 404 link.

Caleb April 11, 2023 at 2:58 PM

The issue is tracked on github issues. No reason to have a ticket that is forgotten and rots.

Winnie Linnie November 30, 2022 at 2:42 PM

I’ve used “ZFS bookmarks” successfully in the command-line (on TrueNAS Core and on a Linux distro).


For zettarepl (and hence “Replication Tasks”) to create and fallback to bookmarks would be an extremely valuable feature.


ZFS bookmarks take up zero space.


They’re just as easy to manage and use similar syntax with snapshots.


There would be no cost to the server, other than the admin might have a ton of bookmarks to prune/manage if they are created too frequently.


Of course, just like snapshots, bookmarks can be automated (created, pruned, etc), under-the-hood, and seamlessly tie-in with snapshot tasks and replication tasks.

Vladimir Vinogradenko April 22, 2021 at 8:09 PM

The only snapshot deletion is an often issue for our users so there is an interest in implementing this.

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Created August 20, 2020 at 8:04 AM
Updated June 1, 2024 at 1:47 PM
Resolved April 11, 2023 at 2:58 PM