NFS save form timeout
SmartDraw Connector
Katalon Manual Tests (BETA)

Joe Maloney October 9, 2020 at 4:41 PM
We have a separate issue open to track this. The fix will be completed in middleware.

Edwin Klein Mentink October 1, 2020 at 8:48 PM
i am not sure if i understand, but of the NFS screen only enabling "log rpc.statd and rpc.lockd" seems enough to create the problem. All other boxes are off.
But whatever boxes i tick, this should never create (timeout) exceptions or impossible combination of options.
Possible solution: replace the tickboxes with a dropdown box with (if i understand correctly):
"use nfs3"
"use nfs3 with rpc.statd/ rpc.lockd"
"use nfs4"
Or at least show the user a popup what is wrong instead of a timeout.

Caleb October 1, 2020 at 7:48 PMEdited
it seems that you have NFSv4 enabled as well as the "Log mountd requests" and/or the "Log lockd requests" options check in the services section of the webUI.
Uncheck the "Log mountd requests" as well as the "Log lockd requests" options in the webUI, and that will fix the calltimeout. There is no reason to have those checked if you're using NFSv4 since the NFSv4 protocol has the mountd and lockd mechanism built-in and doesn't need separate daemons.


clean install freenas
enable NFS service
edit NFS service settings
Enable: "servce udp nfs clients", "allow non-root mount", "log mountd requests" and "log rpc.statd"
Form will timeout. Option "log rpc.statd" seems to be the actual problem
==> middlewared.log <==
[2020/10/01 12:32:19] (DEBUG) ServiceService._simplecmd():286 - Calling: start(nfs)
==> daemon.log <==
Oct 1 12:32:19 freenas rpc.statd: Starting
Oct 1 12:32:20 freenas rpc.lockd: Starting
==> middlewared.log <==
[2020/10/01 12:32:53] (DEBUG) ServiceService._simplecmd():286 - Calling: restart(nfs)
[2020/10/01 12:32:53] (WARNING) ServiceService._system():308 - Command '/usr/sbin/service nfsd forcestop ' failed with code 1: b'Stopping nfsd.\nkill: 1909: No such process\n'
[2020/10/01 12:32:53] (WARNING) ServiceService._system():308 - Command '/usr/sbin/service nfsuserd forcestop ' failed with code 1: b'nfsuserd not running?\n'
[2020/10/01 12:32:53] (WARNING) ServiceService._system():308 - Command '/usr/sbin/service gssd forcestop ' failed with code 1: b'gssd not running?\n'
==> daemon.log <==
Oct 1 12:32:53 freenas rpc.statd: Starting - debug enabled
Oct 1 12:32:53 freenas rpc.lockd: Starting, debug level 10
Oct 1 12:32:53 freenas rpc.statd: unmon_all for host: NFS NLM prog: 0 ver: 0 proc: 0
==> debug.log <==
Oct 1 12:32:53 freenas rpc.statd: unmon_all for host: NFS NLM prog: 0 ver: 0 proc: 0
Oct 1 12:32:54 freenas kernel: NLM: local NSM state is 3
Oct 1 12:33:53 freenas uwsgi: [api.utils:12] Traceback (most recent call last):
Oct 1 12:33:53 freenas uwsgi: [api.utils:12] File "./freenasUI/api/", line 252, in dispatch
Oct 1 12:33:53 freenas uwsgi: [api.utils:12] request_type, request, *args, **kwargs
Oct 1 12:33:53 freenas uwsgi: [api.utils:12] File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tastypie/", line 482, in dispatch
Oct 1 12:33:53 freenas uwsgi: [api.utils:12] response = method(request, **kwargs)
Oct 1 12:33:53 freenas uwsgi: [api.utils:12] File "./freenasUI/api/", line 352, in put_list
Oct 1 12:33:53 freenas uwsgi: [api.utils:12] return self.put_detail(request, **kwargs)
Oct 1 12:33:53 freenas uwsgi: [api.utils:12] File "./freenasUI/api/", line 365, in put_detail
Oct 1 12:33:53 freenas uwsgi: [api.utils:12] updated_bundle = self.obj_update(bundle=bundle, **self.remove_api_resource_names(kwargs))
Oct 1 12:33:53 freenas uwsgi: [api.utils:12] File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tastypie/", line 2236, in obj_update
Oct 1 12:33:53 freenas uwsgi: [api.utils:12] return, skip_errors=skip_errors)
Oct 1 12:33:53 freenas uwsgi: [api.utils:12] File "./freenasUI/api/", line 493, in save
Oct 1 12:33:53 freenas uwsgi: [api.utils:12]
Oct 1 12:33:53 freenas uwsgi: [api.utils:12] File "./freenasUI/middleware/", line 61, in save
Oct 1 12:33:53 freenas uwsgi: [api.utils:12] result = self.__save()
Oct 1 12:33:53 freenas uwsgi: [api.utils:12] File "./freenasUI/middleware/", line 123, in __save
Oct 1 12:33:53 freenas uwsgi: [api.utils:12] raise
Oct 1 12:33:53 freenas uwsgi: [api.utils:12] File "./freenasUI/middleware/", line 118, in __save
Oct 1 12:33:53 freenas uwsgi: [api.utils:12] return"{self.middleware_plugin}.{self._middleware_action}", *args, **kwargs)