SSH Connection Wizard Does Not Validate Remote HTTPS Certificate
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Katalon Manual Tests (BETA)
Bonnie Follweiler December 11, 2020 at 7:57 PM
Thank you for the report @Kristopher Kolpin. Can you please provide a debug by navigating to System -> Advanced, click save debug, and upload attachment to this ticket?
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Katalon Platform
Linked Test Cases, Katalon Defect Results, Katalon Studio Test Results
Created December 11, 2020 at 6:36 PM
Updated July 1, 2022 at 4:59 PM
Resolved December 18, 2020 at 9:59 PM
The Semi-automatic Setup Method for SSH connections does not validate the remote host certificate. If there is supposed to be an option for this it is no exposed in the U.I.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Setup a remote FreeNAS server with an SSL/HTTPS certificate using only a FQDN
2) Setup a local FreeNAS system and log in to the web U.I.
3) Navigate to System>SSH Connections
4) Click ADD
5) Choose "Semi-automatic (FreeNAS only)" as the Setup Method
6) In the "FreeNAS/TrueNAS URL" field enter the IP address for the remote server
7) Enter the username and password for the root account on the remote server
8) For the Private Key field cvhoose generate
9) Leave the remaining fields as default
10) Clikc SAVE
11) Observe that the local FreeNAS system accepts the remote HTTPS certificate when it should be failing instead