VM GUI display address not correct, serial/commandline not working

Waqar Ahmed March 10, 2022 at 8:26 AM
opening up VNC console is separate from the VM - all of that is related to the host which is running those VMs which is why the host ip is going to be used. The VM itself is not giving us it's console - the hypervisor does which runs in the host and not in the VM - VM can setup it's networking however it wants to, that's separate.
For the second issue, please feel free to create a suggestion ticket to allow both at the same time - as a workaround, you can add another DISPLAY device to the VM.
For the third part, i think yes - we should not have this implicit logic and make this user defined. We'll make those changes ( the third ones ). Thanks!

Louis March 9, 2022 at 2:15 PM
I really do not understand the remarks related to using the 'host-ip'. Note that:
the intention of vlan's is to separate networkparts for security reasons. The consequence of that is:
the address of the VM will >NOT< be accessible if the VM and the host are in another VLAN !!
NOT because of the vlan separation and NOT because another VLAN will / should use another routing table !!
Second issue is of course that nowadays you expect platforms to support both IPV4 and IPV6
And than we have the issue of the port number on which the VM (or jail) application (represented by VNC perhaps) is listening to, it should IMHO be clear to which port number the app / vm-related vnc-server is listening too

Waqar Ahmed March 8, 2022 at 11:38 PM
can you please create a suggestion ticket to request the ability to allow binding to multiple ip addresses in a display device ? Thanks!

Waqar Ahmed March 6, 2022 at 11:21 AM
thank you for creating the ticket and letting us know about it. So VNC/Spice display works as intended, the display will not open on the IP of the VM as that can be arbitrary and specific to VM itself but would open the display client using host's IP so that the display/console can be accessible.
About the port number, how that works is that the port you specify is what is used to run VNC/SPICE server and then based on the specified port, another port is chosen for the client connection so that users can consume the display via vnc/spice client.
Moving on, this leaves us with the request to allow binding to multiple IPs or both ipv4/ipv6 ips which we can cater to.

iX-Tony December 31, 2021 at 12:50 PM
Thanks for your submission! This is in our queue to review now. An engineering representative will update with any further questions or details in the near future.


I try to setup a SCALE RC2 system having multiple VM's connected to multiple VLAN's.
I just started and allready met very annoying bugs:
To mention:
the VM gui does not work with FireFox (Chrome seems to work better, e.g. because it does not block popups)
pushing the display button does open a second tab refering to the IP-address of the true nas host, which is wrong / does not work. It should refer to the IP-of the VM. If I change the address it works
When I open the serial console, by pushing the vm-button, a new tab opens ..... again refering to the host and not the vm-ip-address. Whatever the shown command line does not work / does not accept input. Changing the IP-address to the VM-address does NOT solve the issue, it lose the connection
the port number as shown in the VM-gui is not the same as the number used by the interface 58xx <> 59xx (perhaps the indicated number does work when using a spice viewer
another issue is that I can only bind the VM to either an IPV4 or an IPV6 address, where you would expect that you could at least bind the gui to both IPV4 and IPV6