Network: add IPv6 support in apps (and don't force IPv4)

Tiago Gaspar July 26, 2024 at 8:51 PMEdited
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Kris Moore July 18, 2024 at 5:56 PM
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Arimil May 30, 2024 at 11:12 PMEdited
also yeah I see the experimental warning was for ip6tables, not ipv6 support.

Tiago Gaspar May 30, 2024 at 10:30 PM
Where did you see that they are moving to docker compose?
Also, I think the IPv6 support in docker is not experimental, either way they will have to enable it for us to use from the web interface.

Arimil May 30, 2024 at 10:24 PM
Is this even still relevant with them announcing they’re moving over to docker compose? The k3s issues are no longer relevant.
It seems docker has experimental support for ipv6.


I created issue because apps weren't accessible via IPv6. Waqar Ahmed nicely mentioned:
There are various issues of different moving parts where we don't have upstream support for ipv6 completely functional i.e Once it has stabilized upstream, we definitely look forward to adding that to SCALE.
Recently, this issue got a pull request merged in which adds the IPv6 support needed to add IPv6 functionality to the apps feature of Scale.
With that said, I'd like to kindly request two things.
The first one is to please add support for IPv6 in apps, it's a basic and very important feature, NAT64 networks can't properly work without this.
The second one is that now when setting up Kubernetes it is asked for the user to input an IPv4 network for Kubernetes, which is fine (although some users like me would prefer not to have IPv4), and when adding a Kubernetes network it requires the user to add a default gateway in the system, but for people without IPv4, this is impossible leading to the inability to initialize apps. So I ask for you guys to either not force the user to add an IPv4 gateway or allow the user to not have an IPv4 network. This second request assumes that the first one is addressed.
I don't think I need to emphasise the importance IPv6 is starting to have since you guys are starting to add IPv6 support to the customer-facing interfaces, thank you for that btw.
Thank you very much!
Anything you need, including testing, just say something!