Process 3569743 (smartctl) of user 0 dumped core
Joshua Sherman August 1, 2022 at 3:48 AM
@Vladimir Vinogradenko the linked NAS-117132 is not visible to me. I am reproing this issue still exactly as OP did, any more information or link to a diff task tracking the issue?
Running the commands you suggested for either of my nvme devices (nvme0n1 and nvme1n1) just generates SMART results - smartctl does not fail/crash.
I tried

Vladimir Vinogradenko July 15, 2022 at 1:30 PM
@Fabrício Nihues I closed this ticket as a duplicate of another one, but your help on running the commands from my comment below will still be appreciated.

Vladimir Vinogradenko July 7, 2022 at 10:43 AM
@Fabrício Nihues can you please try running the following command a few times?
smartctl -d nvme -a -n never /dev/nvme0n1
Will it crash? How often? Additionally, please try how the following commands behave:
smartctl -a -n never /dev/nvme0n1
smartctl -d nvme -a /dev/nvme0n1

Bonnie Follweiler June 27, 2022 at 12:45 PM
Thank you @Fabrício Nihues.
I have moved this ticket into our queue to review.
An engineering representative will update with any further questions or details in the near future.

Andrew Walker June 24, 2022 at 11:29 AM
Please attach the corefile and a debug (system->advanced->save debug).


I'm getting this errors every 10min or so, if I'm in shell/ssh it shows and mess with all the screen too.
2022 Jun 24 08:11:04 zeus Process 3569743 (smartctl) of user 0 dumped core.
Stack trace of thread 3569743:
#0 0x00007f8c40eccce1 __GI_raise ( + 0x3bce1)
#1 0x00007f8c40eb6537 __GI_abort ( + 0x25537)
#2 0x00007f8c40f0f768 __libc_message ( + 0x7e768)
#3 0x00007f8c40f16a5a malloc_printerr ( + 0x85a5a)
#4 0x00007f8c40f17c14 _int_free ( + 0x86c14)
#5 0x000055fd603b6d11 n/a (smartctl + 0x58d11)
#6 0x00007f8c40ecf4d7 __run_exit_handlers ( + 0x3e4d7)
#7 0x00007f8c40ecf67a __GI_exit ( + 0x3e67a)
#8 0x00007f8c40eb7d11 __libc_start_main ( + 0x26d11)
#9 0x000055fd6038cf2a n/a (smartctl + 0x2ef2a)
2022 Jun 24 08:21:04 zeus Process 3690621 (smartctl) of user 0 dumped core.
Stack trace of thread 3690621:
#0 0x00007f0e16e63ce1 __GI_raise ( + 0x3bce1)
#1 0x00007f0e16e4d537 __GI_abort ( + 0x25537)
#2 0x00007f0e16ea6768 __libc_message ( + 0x7e768)
#3 0x00007f0e16eada5a malloc_printerr ( + 0x85a5a)
#4 0x00007f0e16eaec14 _int_free ( + 0x86c14)
#5 0x00005567f6d43d11 n/a (smartctl + 0x58d11)
#6 0x00007f0e16e664d7 __run_exit_handlers ( + 0x3e4d7)
#7 0x00007f0e16e6667a __GI_exit ( + 0x3e67a)
#8 0x00007f0e16e4ed11 __libc_start_main ( + 0x26d11)
#9 0x00005567f6d19f2a n/a (smartctl + 0x2ef2a)