Process <PID> (smartctl) of user 0 dumped core.


The following error occurs continuously in the ssh shell:

This error is filling the whole log file.

I tried to turn off the smart service in service, but it has no effect.

It looks exactly the same as the following example.



note: Currently, our server is experiencing an issue where it suddenly reboots without any logs, but I don't know if it's related. I don't think it's a hardware or power issue. because there are No logs recorded in the BMC (IPMI)..









Automation for Jira November 18, 2022 at 1:25 PM

This issue has now been closed. Comments made after this point may not be viewed by the TrueNAS Teams. Please open a new issue if you have found a problem or need to re-engage with the TrueNAS Engineering Teams.

Caleb October 25, 2022 at 4:06 PM

do you have any of the core files?

Bonnie Follweiler October 17, 2022 at 12:39 PM

Thank you for your ticket submission .
I have moved this ticket into our queue to review now.
An engineering representative will update with any further questions or details in the near future.

jehoS October 15, 2022 at 6:45 PM

The following are the situations in which this error occurs:

An error occurred when the OpROM of the HBA card was loaded while the boot mode was UEFI.

My system has a total of 36 data pool disks installed.

I had to wait for more than 10 minutes on the Grub screen when booting to UEFI mode, perhaps because I had too many disks.

However, when booting to Legacy mode, it booted quickly, and there was no core dump of smartctl.

And sometimes there was an error where the system rebooted without any log, which is probably related to this.

Watchdogd is working on the system, but if there is a delay in my server for some reason, the server is forced to reset.

Due to the bug caused by the OpROM of the HBA card, the core dump of smartctl was constantly occurring.

In this situation, if there was a delay in the system with an unknown cause, the system would have been forcibly reset by watchdog. (However, in my system, there was no evidence that watchdog was triggered.)

Automation for Jira October 15, 2022 at 9:01 AM

Thank you for submitting this TrueNAS Bug Report! So that we can quickly investigate your issue, please attach a Debug file and any other information related to this issue through our secure and private upload service below. Debug files can be generated in the UI by navigating to System -> Advanced -> Download Debug.

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Created October 15, 2022 at 9:01 AM
Updated February 27, 2025 at 10:15 PM
Resolved November 18, 2022 at 1:25 PM