Not all Snapshots presented to Windows as previous versions

Andrew Walker July 10, 2023 at 5:52 PM
Correct. We try to only present relevant snapshots because admins are usually trying to recover previous versions of files.

Shaun July 9, 2023 at 8:37 AM
My apologies, this ticket can probably be closed, i’m assuming the discrepancy is that if no data was changed in the dataset between the snapshots (No data added/removed etc) then that days snapshot won’t be presented to Windows. If that’s the case then please close this ticket.

Automation for Jira July 9, 2023 at 8:31 AM
Thank you for submitting this TrueNAS Bug Report! So that we can quickly investigate your issue, please attach a Debug file and any other information related to this issue through our secure and private upload service below. Debug files can be generated in the UI by navigating to System -> Advanced -> Save Debug.


Hi, I am not sure if i am missing something here or not. I have periodic snapshots configured as follows:
Daily snapshots taken at 3am with 7 day retention
Weekly snapshots taken at 4AM with 4 week retention.
When looking at the previous versions for my data share in Windows not all of my snapshots are presented as a previous version, only some are. See attached screenshots.