Nextcloud Chart stuck in init screen with db error

Automation for Jira July 28, 2023 at 1:20 PM
This issue has now been closed. Comments made after this point may not be viewed by the TrueNAS Teams. Please open a new issue if you have found a problem or need to re-engage with the TrueNAS Engineering Teams.

Leon July 18, 2023 at 6:06 AM
Now it works fine. Thank you very much!

Stavros Kois July 17, 2023 at 5:47 PM
I don’t think you can choose the boot pool for Apps. (You can verify at Apps > Settings > Choose Pool).
The PR is merged, you can sync the catalog and try the new version
(Apps > Manage Catalogs > Truenas (3Dots) Refresh)

Leon July 17, 2023 at 5:22 PM
Thanks for your help so far! Is there already an Update including your commit?
Just to clarify: My Boot Pool is SSD based, just my data (main tds pool) is an array of HDDs - so I assume the speed won’t be the answer. But as soon as I can pull the update I will try it out…

Stavros Kois July 17, 2023 at 11:36 AM
Thanks for the update.
From the logs looks like nextcloud starts the installation but never finishes before it gets killed as “Failed”.
I’ve gone ahead and increased the startup probe timeout,
but I would still recommend using an SSD based pool for apps, as you will most likely face similar issues again.


I used the bundeld nextcloud chart from the official repo in order to create a instance. Since the last update the cluster takes ages to deploy... Apart from that the nextcloud will start into it's initialization screen to set up a admin user and the db connection. Normally this step should be skipped automaticly because of the preconfigured params. From there I allways get the following error:
Error while trying to initialise the database: An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42P07]: Duplicate table: 7 ERROR: relation "oc_migrations" already exists
As another redditor mentioned, he encounters the same behavior.