Importing configuration creates pool that is not shown

Ievgen Stepanovych August 28, 2023 at 10:19 AM
Please reopen if the issue still persists on Cobia.

Ievgen Stepanovych August 14, 2023 at 9:45 AM
I cannot reproduce. When I import configuration, pool appears on the second machine marked as disconnected. I can press Export/Disconnect to remove it and proceed with creation of the new pool.

Janik Besendorf July 13, 2023 at 11:17 AM
I understand that the zpool is not created. But I cant remove the zpool from the database with the UI because it is not shown in the UI. That is the bug I am reporting.
Steps to reproduce
on a fresh trunas:
create zpool named “pool”
download config
on another fresh truenas:
import config from 1 truenas
go to storage → no pool is shown
create zpool and enter name “pool”
the ui says that a pool already exists

Caleb July 13, 2023 at 11:13 AM
Hi , this is not a bug and is expected behavior. Also a zpool is not created automatically, the webUI is showing a zpool that exists in the database. If you want to recreate the zpool using the same name, you must first remove the zpool from the webUI.

Janik Besendorf July 13, 2023 at 11:10 AM
I also uploaded a debug


When importing a configuration that includes a zfs pool into a device with empty disks a pool that is not shown in the UI is created.
When one tries to create a pool with the same name the UI says that it already exists and it cant be created.
This is unwanted behaviour. While I don’t think importing a config should write to the disks and create a pool, it should not block the name for the pool.
The documentation should clarify what parts of the configuration regarding zfs pool is imported and what is not.
Forum thread with workaround: