Docker containers created in command line not surfaced in the apps GUI

Bug Clerk September 11, 2024 at 12:34 PM
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Bug Clerk September 11, 2024 at 12:34 PM
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Michelle Johnson September 11, 2024 at 11:47 AM
Thank you for your report, !
This issue ticket is now in the queue for review.

Bug Clerk September 11, 2024 at 7:03 AM
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Because we're just in beta 1, this is really me trying to get in early with this suggestion, in case the thinking is that exposed apps would only be 'vetted' IX apps (which in my opinion would be a mistake).
I have taken the early jump into beta1 to get away from kubernetes and help with docker testing - due to having no current way to install containers via the GUI, have done so through the terminal using standard docker commands.
I now have most of my apps running that way, with a few still running in jailmaker and a couple of ‘official' apps, though to be honest, I think I'll be changing that to an upstream version based on what I think will be limitations with how that works.
I understand that custom apps are not in the GUI yet, you guys are doing your amazing work (truly I AM very impressed with the work you're doing on migrating from Kubernetes). However, it seems as though TrueNAS is intentionally restricting what is surfaced from docker to only the ‘official' or perhaps 'officially installed via the GUI' docker containers. None of my command line docker containers show up and this is a really shame. I don't need the complication of something like portainer (where they do show up), I'd rather just use the TrueNAS gui.
Using the apps page like it is, it doesn't really feel like docker, it still feels a bit like like kubernetes. Or in particular, it still feels like I have an IT department telling me what I can do with my apps, when in reality I am the IT department and that decision should be mine. This is the main point that drove me to be so vocal about the situation we had before. And there is nothing stopping us from still having official TrueNAS apps, but I don't think we need to restrict just those to the GUI to get any benefits from them.
And finally, I do appreciate this is super new, you may have already planned this or have other challenges / reasons at present. I don't expect this to be done straight away just because I asked, I can already use docker in the command line and that gives me everything I need straight away. But it would be nice to have that surfaced in the GUI as well, and I wanted to get my opinion heard early in case there was an easy design choice to make now before we go too far down another path.
Thanks for reading and thanks for all your hard work. It's appreciated.
Benefit - don't need extra applications such as portainer to manage apps. Don't need to manage apps through the command line.
Disadvantages: I don't really see any, but it might require more work than you want to do right now to undo what is in the current GUI.