Periodic S.M.A.R.T. Task can´t be managed


Under the Data Protection Options there is also the Periodic S.M.A.R.T-Tests page. I created a first task there about a week ago, but now this task isn´t shown correctly and I cannot add or delete any new or old tasks on this page. The other pages for Scrub and ^Periodic Snapshot Tasks so far still work fine.

Is this a known problem?Session ID: 9f76f7eb-c84d-47d2-db28-2f86de2cc0e9







Bug Clerk January 19, 2025 at 9:02 PM

This issue has now been closed. Comments made after this point may not be viewed by the TrueNAS Teams. Please open a new issue if you have found a problem or need to re-engage with the TrueNAS Engineering Teams.

Ievgen Stepanovych January 1, 2025 at 9:27 PM

There probably was a problem with rendering one of the smart tests. It’s hard to say way. Probably something happened where schedule was incorrect. We are looking into the issue.

Dirk Kuhn January 1, 2025 at 7:46 PM


the output of your command gave me the correct overview over the periodic snapshot tasks I have established. These are fine. But these are not the problem, the problem is with the S.M.A.R.T. Tests, that should be executed periodically. But with the hint you gave, I managed to check for the established SMART-Test via the Shell and was able to delete the one I had created in the past. Now, the overview on the “Data Protection” page is working again and I can now create new periodic SMART-Tests again. Only thing I still don´t know is, why the SMART test wasn´t shown correctly on the page in the first place and why I couldn´t delete or alter it via the WebUI.

Is this something you will still be looking into, would you need any additional information from me?

Ievgen Stepanovych December 31, 2024 at 2:16 PM

Hi, could you go to shell, execute midclt call pool.snapshottask.query | jq and copy the output of the command?

There is probably some issue with how schedule is rendered. Removing a task and recreating it with a different schedule may help while we fix the issue. To do so, execute midclt call pool.snapshottask.delete 1 where 1 is the id of the task you want to remove.

Bonnie Follweiler December 30, 2024 at 4:03 PM

Good Morning ,

I have moved this ticket into our queue to review now.
An engineering representative will update with any further questions or details in the near future.

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Created December 28, 2024 at 3:10 PM
Updated January 19, 2025 at 9:02 PM
Resolved January 19, 2025 at 9:02 PM