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Build APT mirrors for 25.04-RC.1 point to Nightlies


The apt mirrors in the scale-build repo for 25.04-RC.1 still point to fangtooth/nightlies, and not fangtooth/25.04-RC.1: scale-build/conf/build.manifest at release/25.04-RC.1 · truenas/scale-build

Normally, this is changed soon after branching out for a release. RC.1 also seems to be in testing internally, so it seems like this should have been done already? Reference for 25.04-BETA.1 change: NAS-133794 / 25.04-BETA.1 / Update apt mirrors for 25.04 BETA.1 by sonicaj · Pull Request #818 · truenas/scale-build

Noticed this after building a pre-release version of RC.1. The release files on the two apt repos do have different hashes for the packages, so there are some (small?) differences at least. Because the 25.04-RC.1 mirrors are up, but not used, it looks like it should be changed?

If this is a non-issue, feel free to just close ticket and the linked PR in the comments. (If so, I’d really appreciate a short explanation on why it’s not needed for this release.)


(And semi-related, the “at least 15GB of free disk space” requirement for building “SCALE” seems to be outdated. It requires more disk space (70 GB were enough I think), though this should be checked and updated properly at some point.)







Bug Clerk last week

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Bug Clerk March 5, 2025 at 7:25 AM

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Bug Clerk March 5, 2025 at 7:15 AM

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Bug Clerk March 5, 2025 at 7:11 AM

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Created March 5, 2025 at 7:10 AM
Updated last week
Resolved last week