Passthrough available GPUs (Intel ARC A310)
Bug Clerk last week
This issue has now been closed. Comments made after this point may not be viewed by the TrueNAS Teams. Please open a new issue if you have found a problem or need to re-engage with the TrueNAS Engineering Teams.
Michelle Johnson last week
User resolved the issue and requested we close this ticket.
David Blythe last week
Free to close ticket
David Blythe last week
There was a fundamental misunderstanding of Isolating GPUs for VMs vs Apps. Is there documentation explicitly stating that Isolating GPUs is for VMs only (not for Apps)? If so, I missed it. If not, can a warning be placed somewhere in the documentation.
I removed the ARC GPU from Isolation, and then the check mark stayed checked in the App Configuration. I confirmed in the App’s Shell that /dev/dri listed card0 and renderD128, and confirmed Transcoding is working in the App Container by using intel_gpu_top on the truenas shell itself.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Fix versions
Affects versions

The option does not save when selected.
ARC GPU is in the list of isolated GPUs.
BIOS on Z440 Workstation were enabled for Virtualization.
Restarted Truenas after isolation.
App is stopped when modifying the setting.
Truenas shell shows /dev/dri/renderD128 device.
Container does not show /dev/dri
Session ID: b43ea7ee-59cc-82a0-faf2-bc0b3c73cd84