Data Integrity Feature needs better handling


When you attempt to use a SAS drive with TrueNAS and it has the Data Integrity Feature set in it, as is often the case with Dell OEM drives, it fails with the message that it cannot use the drives and then mostly gibberish error text.

There should be a solution to correct such disks en masse. I know that we can use the sg_format command with various switches, but that is a one-by-one process and the shell/login times out long before you do it, so you have to work around that by enabling SSH and using multiple sessions or some other command line to do a batch.

The GUI should have an option to show you incompatible drives and offer a solution along with a way to apply that to the affected drives.

Session ID: 8650e09d-ba1c-ea0e-96ab-e3ef61a1375d







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