Cannot use Isolated GPU for Virtual Machine in TrueNAS Scale.

David yesterday
Thank you. I have upgraded from from SCALE- (DragonFish) to 25.04-RC.1. I attempted to replicate the issue and I captured the results in a PART 2 of this ticket. Please see link below:

Bug Clerk 2 days ago
This issue has now been closed. Comments made after this point may not be viewed by the TrueNAS Teams. Please open a new issue if you have found a problem or need to re-engage with the TrueNAS Engineering Teams.

Bug Clerk 2 days ago
Please upgrade to 25.04-RC.1 to test and report back if the problem persists. Unfortunately we cannot investigate old versions since it seems to be an edge case and we are not doing non-critical fixes for the stable releases at this time.

David 2 days ago
Thank you. I'm just looking for a resolution, even if temporary, because this issue puts a stop to my project dead in its tracks. If there is a step by step fix to this let me know.

Bonnie Follweiler 4 days ago
Good afternoon .
This ticket has been moved into our queue to review.
An engineering representative will update with any further questions or details in the near future.


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Affects versions

I have an issue similar to this issue on the TrueNAS Discord server::
I have also made my own thread about it:
It is similar to the support ticket(s) here:
And these old threads:
Situation: I have a Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti that I would like to use for a Windows 10 VM. I have an additional Nividia 3050 that I am using for the TrueNAS Scale OS.
I have isolated the 2080 Ti GPU, under System Settings > Advanced Options. I have then restarted them system. Then I've attempted to build a Windows 10 VM using the 2080 Ti GPU in the "GPU" settings section.
However after configuring the setup options, and when I click to build the VM, I receive this error:
[EINVAL] gpu_settings.isolated_gpu_pci_ids: pci_0000_09_00_3, pci_0000_09_00_0, pci_0000_09_00_2, pci_0000_09_00_1 GPU pci slot(s) are not available or a GPU is not configured.
I have also tried to remove and then re-add the GPU to the VM, and after clicking "Save" I still receive this error.
This issue also appears when attempting to add a GPU that is not isolated (the VM still allows that GPU to be added).
I have attached the error details to the post.
As a result, the VM is not utilizing my extra GPU. Naturally it does not have a "display" option appearing in the VMs section of TrueNAS, so I am unable to even visually display the desktop of the VM for configuring a new install from the windows10.iso file.
I want to be able to use this GPU for a VM. I had purchased the extra 3050 GPU recently, specifically in order to free up my 2080 Ti as an extra GPU for use by a VM.
Please help me find a resolution or a workaround as this is a dead stop to my project.