Dataset not removed from GUI after replication task removes from pool. Shows removed in CLI.


1. Delete dataset from a pool.
2. Allow auto-snapshot to happen.
3. Allow predefined replication task to happen.
4. Dataset still shown in GUI on destination pool. Checking CLI shows dataset gone from destination pool.

Session ID: 9d1a1de4-96bb-3a84-fa1a-26c5e6ca3444







Roy Duani yesterday

Apologies, one extra thing to add that I just tried. While clicking on the dataset in the GUI results in the two errors I posted earlier, after clicking okay to get past them, I can still delete the that dataset from the GUI, go through the delete confirmation, and it does properly remove it.

Note, as mentioned earlier, this is just a strange “visual” bug. After the first snapshot/replication after deleting the source dataset, it was removed properly from the destination, as was confirmed through the CLI. It only remained in the GUI as shown.

I hope any of this is helpful to the team. Thanks for a great platform!

Roy Duani yesterday

Just wanted to let you know that waiting for the snapshots to be removed didn’t make any difference. Not sure why I thought it would but either way, now I can confirm it didn’t. Hope this helps find the bug.

As this is completely a test system for me, if there’s any other data I can provide please let me know. There is absolutely nothing of value on the system so would be happy to “break” it in ways that might help you out.

Roy Duani 2 days ago

Yes, it is actually even after a full system reboot.  The debug is from both the source and destination machine.  I have a few replication tasks setup for testing.

  1. fast is taking a snapshot and replicating every 2 hours to slow/fast_backup.

  1. slow is taking a snapshot and replicating every 2 hours (offset by 1 hour from fast so they don't line up) to remote (this is straight pool to pool)

I have also removed the only snapshot referencing remote/test and rebooted the NAS and it still shows in the GUI.  If I click on the dataset in the GUI is gives the following errors:

[EFAULT] Failed retreiving USER quotas for remote/test


[ENOENT] Path /mnt/remote/test not found


At this point only thing I wonder if is the snapshot of remote/ is still holding a pointer.  It should auto delete in the next 4 hours and I'm allowing it to do so to watch the behavior without me intervening further.

I have kept the snapshots of both slow/ and slow/fast_backup/data2 to watch their auto expires as well.  I've set snapshots to only survive 6 hours as I'm using this machine solely to test before making changes on my actual "production" nas.

William Gryzbowski 2 days ago

To confirm, is the screenshot after a refresh?

Is the debug from the destination machine?

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