- Minecraft app ignores ram value and crashes server.TNCHARTS-1441Resolved issue: TNCHARTS-1441Stavros Kois
- Nginx Proxy Manager do not start on bare-metal HDD based pools, but works on virtual disks and SSDsTNCHARTS-195Resolved issue: TNCHARTS-195Stavros Kois
- Tdarr does will not deploy unless GPU support is disabledTNCHARTS-179Resolved issue: TNCHARTS-179
- Cannot update HomeAssistantTNCHARTS-155Resolved issue: TNCHARTS-155
- PLEX and other apps install/update after bluefin/charts updateTNCHARTS-137Resolved issue: TNCHARTS-137
- Sonarr backup fails in default configTNCHARTS-125Resolved issue: TNCHARTS-125
- Report chart legend does not appear until hover or clickTC-1138Resolved issue: TC-1138Aaron Ervin
- After updating FreeNAS systems, TrueCommand showed system as offlineTC-966Resolved issue: TC-966Ken Moore
- Closing Connection due to unhandled SSL errorsTC-958Resolved issue: TC-958Ken Moore
- Inconsistent button appearence in Edit pagesTC-893Resolved issue: TC-893Ken Moore
- Install NVIDIA driver option not available in UI, install via CLI makes it appearNAS-132393Resolved issue: NAS-132393Ievgen Stepanovych
- Unscheduled System rebootNAS-129616Resolved issue: NAS-129616Triage Team
- [SCALE] UI Is not showing any DatasetsNAS-123406Resolved issue: NAS-123406Andrew Walker
- [SCALE] Pool Scrub Task not being listed in Task ManagerNAS-122368Resolved issue: NAS-122368Vladimir Vinogradenko
- [Scale] Starting any App will fail with error: "1 node had untolerated taint {ix-svc-start:}"NAS-121942Resolved issue: NAS-121942Caleb
- [SCALE] Refreshing the app catalogue does not workNAS-121941Resolved issue: NAS-121941Triage Team
- power out last night and suddenly all my apps are not being assigned portsNAS-121391Resolved issue: NAS-121391Triage Team
- Assert in smbd due to failure to cancel in-flight AIO.NAS-121103Resolved issue: NAS-121103Triage Team
- midcli doesnt apply network changesNAS-120564Resolved issue: NAS-120564Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Cannot access pod shell from the UI if not rootNAS-120227Resolved issue: NAS-120227Triage Team
- [SCALE] Datasets are shown twice in the Dataset TreeNAS-119548Resolved issue: NAS-119548Ievgen Stepanovych
- [SCALE] UI reports all pools with failed SMART TestsNAS-119323Resolved issue: NAS-119323Boris Vasilenko
- [SCALE] Available Applications not loadingNAS-119252Resolved issue: NAS-119252Waqar Ahmed
- SMB_ASSERT() during tevent_aio_cancel()NAS-118967Resolved issue: NAS-118967Triage Team
- fix service.restart and journal sync raceNAS-118563Resolved issue: NAS-118563Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Tree select sets undefined to form element if clicked twiceNAS-118415Resolved issue: NAS-118415Alex Karpov
- Warning modal icon bugNAS-118414Resolved issue: NAS-118414Alex Karpov
- netbios_name_check_sid integration test failing on SCALE HANAS-118302Resolved issue: NAS-118302Andrew Walker
- Fix tests SuitesNAS-118205Resolved issue: NAS-118205Alex Karpov
- webUI isn't showing what controller the alert was generated onNAS-117897Resolved issue: NAS-117897Ievgen Stepanovych
- [SCALE] Downloading Logs from VMs is not workingNAS-117755Resolved issue: NAS-117755Ievgen Stepanovych
- [SCALE] Data Protection pages is brokenNAS-117715Resolved issue: NAS-117715Rehan Yousaf
- system.general.get_ui_urls blocks main event loopNAS-117601Resolved issue: NAS-117601Caleb
- Unable to download debugNAS-117451Resolved issue: NAS-117451Ievgen Stepanovych
- Cloud Sync `create_empty_src_dirs` checkboxNAS-117153Resolved issue: NAS-117153Ivan Goncharov
- NFS service failed to startNAS-117002Resolved issue: NAS-117002Triage Team
- TrueNAS SCALE webui become very slowNAS-116987Resolved issue: NAS-116987Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Save Button on TrueNAS Scale Apps Not Working When Making ChangesNAS-116972Resolved issue: NAS-116972Triage Team
- Manual Update from TrueNAS Core 13 to SCALE causes grub errorNAS-116956Resolved issue: NAS-116956Triage Team
- The following system core files were found: afpd.coreNAS-116952Resolved issue: NAS-116952Triage Team
- Core files have been archivedNAS-116925Resolved issue: NAS-116925Triage Team
- Unable to launch Docker Containers / Menue items not working.NAS-116922Resolved issue: NAS-116922Triage Team
- Directory Service is sometimes not startingNAS-116910Resolved issue: NAS-116910Andrew Walker
- afp coreNAS-116887Resolved issue: NAS-116887Andrew Walker
- TrueNAS Scale kubernetes ErrorNAS-116875Resolved issue: NAS-116875Muhammad Rehan
- Upon upgrade to TrueNAS-SCALE-22.02.2 main pool needs to be imported manually after every rebootNAS-116858Resolved issue: NAS-116858Triage Team
- Kubernetes Entirely Broken/Fails to Create PodsNAS-116856Resolved issue: NAS-116856Triage Team
- sshd.core dumpsNAS-116847Resolved issue: NAS-116847Triage Team
- The process asyncio_loop occupies the CPU for a long timeNAS-116831Resolved issue: NAS-116831Triage Team
- Unable to use domain name to access VNC in VMNAS-116827Resolved issue: NAS-116827Triage Team
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