- rsync chart only available on specific IPTNCHARTS-467Resolved issue: TNCHARTS-467Stavros Kois
- GUI brings up *wrong* page when clicking "Edit" button (Rsync Modules)NAS-120250Resolved issue: NAS-120250Ievgen Stepanovych
- Rsync Tasks always in Waiting statusNAS-119354Resolved issue: NAS-119354Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Columns "Frequency" and "Next Run" in "Rsync Tasks" list wrong valuesNAS-112706Resolved issue: NAS-112706Alex Karpov
- Rsync tasks should not alert as a task failure on non-fatal rsync warningsNAS-106601Resolved issue: NAS-106601Triage Team
- Feature Parity between Cloud Sync and rsyncNAS-104867Resolved issue: NAS-104867Triage Team
- Update helptext for Rsync Tasks Path fieldNAS-104476Resolved issue: NAS-104476Aaron St. John [X]
- Fix error in rsync task updateNAS-103428Resolved issue: NAS-103428Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Enforce path limit of 1023 characters for Rsync TasksNAS-102955Resolved issue: NAS-102955Waqar Ahmed
- Rsync Module Missing Domain Users/GroupsNAS-102626Resolved issue: NAS-102626Triage Team
- Ensure iocage dataset is mounted under the activated poolNAS-101922Resolved issue: NAS-101922Waqar Ahmed
- more flexibility in user ids on rsync tasksNAS-101921Resolved issue: NAS-101921William Gryzbowski
- Rsync Task gives core dump in syslogNAS-101613Resolved issue: NAS-101613Waqar Ahmed
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