- power out last night and suddenly all my apps are not being assigned portsNAS-121391Resolved issue: NAS-121391Triage Team
- Upgrade to Scale with old-style timeFormat causes error that prohibits many actions in UINAS-121308Resolved issue: NAS-121308Ievgen Stepanovych
- The following system core files were found: smartctl.coreNAS-120661Resolved issue: NAS-120661Triage Team
- CloudSync improvements: SUCCESS Alerts; FAILED job missing alerts; post script on FAILEDNAS-119914Triage Team
- atrun is duplicated in /etc/cron.d/at and /etc/crontabNAS-119905Resolved issue: NAS-119905Ryan Moeller
- Failed to check for alert BootPoolStatusNAS-119067Resolved issue: NAS-119067Caleb
- Unstable system due to bug related with Python 3.9.coreNAS-119063Resolved issue: NAS-119063Caleb
- SMB core was created during normal usageNAS-118996Resolved issue: NAS-118996Triage Team
- Cloud Sync Task can no-longer work for onedrive due to missing parameters for --checkers and --tpslimitNAS-118512Resolved issue: NAS-118512Vladimir Vinogradenko
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