- Encryption crashes during high activityNAS-110250Resolved issue: NAS-110250Alexander Motin
- Operation not permitted accessing snapshots in jailed datasetNAS-109829Resolved issue: NAS-109829Triage Team
- many users are reporting python38 core dumpingNAS-109709Resolved issue: NAS-109709Caleb
- Upgrade to 12-U2.1 FailureNAS-109680Resolved issue: NAS-109680Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Critical failureNAS-109657Resolved issue: NAS-109657Triage Team
- CSR Dropdown in certificate import - Wrong NamingNAS-109521Resolved issue: NAS-109521Triage Team
- 128byte memory leak in ZFSNAS-109517Resolved issue: NAS-109517Triage Team
- CLONE - Bad key labels for the UPS battery statistics and time remaining graphsNAS-109350Resolved issue: NAS-109350Vladimir Vinogradenko
- IPMI Watchdog TriggeredNAS-109299Resolved issue: NAS-109299Triage Team
- TrueNAS 12.0-U1.1 - nginx stopping after restart, webUI not accessibleNAS-109297Resolved issue: NAS-109297Triage Team
- Validation error in LibDefaults section for option default_cc_type on Kerberos settings ui pageNAS-109286Resolved issue: NAS-109286Triage Team
- Error exporting/disconnecting pools on TrueNAS 12.0NAS-109079Resolved issue: NAS-109079Waqar Ahmed
- Idmap GUI issue after adding trusted domain.NAS-109052Resolved issue: NAS-109052Rehan Yousaf
- Combobox brokenNAS-109038Resolved issue: NAS-109038Denys Butenko
- Error while importing certificatesNAS-109033Resolved issue: NAS-109033Waqar Ahmed
- VSS Windows Previous Versions not working after update to 12.0-U1NAS-109018Resolved issue: NAS-109018Triage Team
- Faulted pool - Metadata CorruptedNAS-109013Resolved issue: NAS-109013Triage Team
- Unable To Run PKG UPDATE Since Upgrading FreeNAS To TrueNASNAS-109002Resolved issue: NAS-109002Triage Team
- Cloud Sync Tasks HangNAS-109001Resolved issue: NAS-109001Triage Team
- CLONE - Data corruption after TrueNAS upgradeNAS-108998Resolved issue: NAS-108998Triage Team
- Timezone change causes blank graphsNAS-108989Resolved issue: NAS-108989Triage Team
- ZFS data corruption and random reboots during scrubs on TrueNAS12+NAS-108980Resolved issue: NAS-108980Triage Team
- System hangs at step: "mpr0: Reinitializing controller" during system boot on 12.0-U1NAS-108978Resolved issue: NAS-108978Triage Team
- Syslog CrashesNAS-108966Resolved issue: NAS-108966Triage Team
- Box crashes on loadNAS-108965Resolved issue: NAS-108965Triage Team
- nfsd does not handle some special characters in filenameNAS-108959Resolved issue: NAS-108959Triage Team
- Reporting issue after upgrading from 11.3-U5NAS-108958Resolved issue: NAS-108958Triage Team
- Can not resume "import disk" after rebootNAS-108956Resolved issue: NAS-108956Vladimir Vinogradenko
- get_remote_os_version() is running on non-HA systemsNAS-108945Resolved issue: NAS-108945Caleb
- ad_read_rsrc_adouble: invalid AppleDouble resource crashes samba - TrueNAS 12 U1NAS-108941Resolved issue: NAS-108941Triage Team
- NFS Stats (Bytes) reflects NFS client stats, not server statsNAS-108940Resolved issue: NAS-108940Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Dashboard Memory legend changes colourNAS-108939Resolved issue: NAS-108939Boris Vasilenko
- Dashboard is broken after 11.3 to 12 upgradeNAS-108937Resolved issue: NAS-108937Triage Team
- reporting not renderingNAS-108936Resolved issue: NAS-108936Triage Team
- Sending email always causes a broken pipe errorNAS-108932Resolved issue: NAS-108932Vladimir Vinogradenko
- iSCSI extends: very hard to select ZVOL of interest (list too long)NAS-108925Triage Team
- Edit ZVOL → wrong compression property selected by defaultNAS-108924Resolved issue: NAS-108924Rehan Yousaf
- Reporting Blank - Can't Plot Empty Data SetNAS-108911Resolved issue: NAS-108911Triage Team
- Regression: NFSv4 with NFSv3 ownership model chown "invalid argument"NAS-108908Resolved issue: NAS-108908Alexander Motin
- Email Alerts: "Failed to check for alert Quota"NAS-108901Resolved issue: NAS-108901Triage Team
- unable to cleanly stop vmNAS-108898Resolved issue: NAS-108898Triage Team
- random rebootsNAS-108893Resolved issue: NAS-108893Triage Team
- random rebootsNAS-108892Resolved issue: NAS-108892Triage Team
- Panics on NULL-dereference in zfs_onexit_destroy()NAS-108891Resolved issue: NAS-108891Ryan Moeller
- Panics on mps(4) firmware timeoutsNAS-108881Resolved issue: NAS-108881Alexander Motin
- Disturbing HDD access ??NAS-108880Resolved issue: NAS-108880Triage Team
- "Unable to allocate bus resource: memory" on HP Microserver Gen10NAS-108878Resolved issue: NAS-108878Triage Team
- Samba panicNAS-108877Resolved issue: NAS-108877Triage Team
- Missing exec_fib from gui (jail networking tab) for jail creation and edit since upgrade to Truenas core 12.0U1NAS-108874Resolved issue: NAS-108874Rehan Yousaf
- Can't access shares using AD-usersNAS-108873Resolved issue: NAS-108873Triage Team
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