- network - display default route is missing the interface for linklocal addressNAS-134511Triage Team
- Can't obtain IPv6 gateway automatically or set it manuallyNAS-133767Resolved issue: NAS-133767TrueNAS Backend Triage
- Show default network on virtualization instance creationNAS-133747Resolved issue: NAS-133747Rehan Yousaf
- "Web UI" button in "Applications" doesn't work when accessing the web UI from IPv6 or mDNS nameNAS-133655Resolved issue: NAS-133655Ievgen Stepanovych
- Fanghorn enables IPv6 for Docker's default bridge network, but not app networksNAS-133523Resolved issue: NAS-133523Muhammad Rehan
- Turning on IPv6 autoconf on bond interface (lack) doesn't workNAS-133522Resolved issue: NAS-133522Triage Team
- changing bonding interface is not availableNAS-133231TrueNAS Backend Triage
- Loses the IPv6 default route when the Apps Service is active.NAS-133227Resolved issue: NAS-133227Muhammad Rehan
- looses IPv6 connectivity when docker is activeNAS-132795Resolved issue: NAS-132795Muhammad Rehan
- Cannot enter IPv6 subnet in docker settingsNAS-132121Resolved issue: NAS-132121Triage Team
- Cannot enter IPv6 subnet in docker settingsNAS-132113Resolved issue: NAS-132113Triage Team
- IPv6 SLAAC broken in VM Guests (loss of IPv6 RA packets on linux bridge between VMs)NAS-131957Resolved issue: NAS-131957Triage Team
- No IPv6 in Network widgetNAS-131887Resolved issue: NAS-131887Ievgen Stepanovych
- UI sending improper payload for outbound activityNAS-131787Resolved issue: NAS-131787Ievgen Stepanovych
- Can't obtain IPv6 gateway automatically or set it manuallyNAS-131756Resolved issue: NAS-131756TrueNAS Backend Triage
- IPv6 lost GUANAS-131645Resolved issue: NAS-131645Triage Team
- Setting up Docker breaks IPv6 routing for VMsNAS-131573Resolved issue: NAS-131573Alexandra Bain
- IPv6 no default gateway SLAACNAS-131555Resolved issue: NAS-131555TrueNAS Backend Triage
- ipv6 docker supportNAS-131333Resolved issue: NAS-131333Triage Team
- ddns-updater does not show the IP version value if set to “IPv4 and IPv6” when editing the configuration of the dockerNAS-131323Resolved issue: NAS-131323Alex Karpov
- Network Widget doesn't show autoconfigured IPv6 addressNAS-131020Resolved issue: NAS-131020Alex Karpov
- Impossible to get mDNS + IPv6 working on VMsNAS-130992Resolved issue: NAS-130992Triage Team
- issue with hidden MAC addressNAS-130804Resolved issue: NAS-130804Caleb
- Can't add ipv6 to LACP bondNAS-130657Resolved issue: NAS-130657Triage Team
- nginx bind to ipv6 address failNAS-130282Resolved issue: NAS-130282TrueNAS Backend Triage
- Samba: There is a big performance gap when using IPv6 compared to IPv4NAS-130258Resolved issue: NAS-130258Triage Team
- IPV6 issue with web interface oon TrueNAS Scale issue: NAS-129496TrueNAS Backend Triage
- Add text only widgets to dashboardNAS-129017Resolved issue: NAS-129017Alex Karpov
- /etc/hosts lists localhost as FQDN causing issues with containersNAS-128609Resolved issue: NAS-128609Triage Team
- VMs: Consider ::1 a localhost IP as wellNAS-128375Resolved issue: NAS-128375Triage Team
- Checking Autoconfigure IPv6 hides IPv4 AliasesNAS-128343Resolved issue: NAS-128343Alex Karpov
- Checking Autoconfigure IPv6 hides IPv4 AliasesNAS-128342Resolved issue: NAS-128342Triage Team
- Can not stop app nextcloudNAS-128280Resolved issue: NAS-128280Stavros Kois
- Issue setting IPv6 SLAAC through webUI v2NAS-128190Resolved issue: NAS-128190Triage Team
- SCALE lacking a ton of IPv6 networking featuresNAS-128122William Gryzbowski
- Issue setting IPv6 SLAAC through webUINAS-128118Resolved issue: NAS-128118Triage Team
- VM with IPv6 bind address breaks nginx webserverNAS-128102Resolved issue: NAS-128102Muhammad Rehan
- CLONE - Network config in SCALE seems very brokenNAS-127950Resolved issue: NAS-127950Caleb
- Network config in SCALE seems very brokenNAS-127928Resolved issue: NAS-127928Caleb
- Support for stateful DHCPv6 (M+O flags)NAS-127077
- Add support for ipv6 in ui.ts for `ui remote -i <ip-address>` commandNAS-126973Resolved issue: NAS-126973Rehan Yousaf
- IPv6 ADDRCONF Spam / Disable IPv6NAS-125864Triage Team
- Investigate iSCSI IPv6 configuration issuesNAS-125845Brian Meagher
- LAGG on missing interfaces breaks networkingNAS-125551Resolved issue: NAS-125551Triage Team
- IPV6 Default address missingNAS-125365Resolved issue: NAS-125365Triage Team
- AD DNS Update Logic flawedNAS-124557Resolved issue: NAS-124557Andrew Walker
- IPv6 is not being configured automaticallyNAS-123973Resolved issue: NAS-123973Triage Team
- IPv6 DHCP / autoconfigure OFF does not work after system reboot, IPv6 address is entered automatically - WebGUI not ok, terminal okNAS-123972Resolved issue: NAS-123972Triage Team
- nginx fails to start on boot after configuring a fixed management ipv6NAS-123619Resolved issue: NAS-123619Vladimir Vinogradenko
- AD nsupdate breaks when IPv6 is presentNAS-123578Resolved issue: NAS-123578Triage Team
Cannot enter IPv6 subnet in docker settings
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William Gryzbowski October 31, 2024 at 11:52 AM
@Tiago Gaspar docker does not support IPv6 yet, this is not a bug.
Tiago Gaspar October 30, 2024 at 7:03 PM
Hi @William Gryzbowski,
Why was this closed? This is a bug, not a feature request.
I have also created this via the web interface, shouldn’t it have attached the debug file automatically and the screenshot I appended?
Bug Clerk October 30, 2024 at 6:56 PM
This issue has now been closed. Comments made after this point may not be viewed by the TrueNAS Teams. Please open a new issue if you have found a problem or need to re-engage with the TrueNAS Engineering Teams.
Bug Clerk October 30, 2024 at 6:56 PM
Thank you for this report, feature requests are now handled via our forums. We recommend creating a post here:
Bug Clerk October 30, 2024 at 6:46 PM
Thank you for submitting this TrueNAS Bug Report! So that we can quickly investigate your issue, please attach a Debug file and any other information related to this issue through our secure and private upload service below. Debug files can be generated in the UI by navigating to System -> Advanced -> Save Debug.
Whenever I try to enter a IPv6 subnet in docker settings I get an error.
See attached image.
Session ID: e17388ef-26ba-d9ef-6751-d885429f3090