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Wolf Noble
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Katalon Platform
Katalon Platform
Created February 19, 2022 at 8:36 PM
Updated July 18, 2024 at 6:03 PM
not everyone is going to want metrics collected for every mounted filesystem and slice.
as configured, collectd emits io and utilisation metrics for each of the disks and slices on the system, with a preconfigured exclude list that's pretty good.
if the user wishes to exclude more, there's not a good way to atm.
SPECIFICALLY, I want collectd to cease emitting metrics for several partitions on systems.
per device metrics are preferential in my env... the extra metrics just cost me money...
I could get what I want by being able to add to the existing excludelist you create (ignoreSelected true)
but that might not be the most ubiquitously valuable way to facilitate flexibility for the everycustomer(tm)