- NextCloud warning data directory publicly accessibleTNCHARTS-1016Resolved issue: TNCHARTS-1016Stavros Kois
- Add new server - allow usernames different from rootTC-959Resolved issue: TC-959Aaron Ervin
- Closing Connection due to unhandled SSL errorsTC-958Resolved issue: TC-958Ken Moore
- When there is a DCHP client on one NIC all NICs will listen to DHCPNAS-124510Resolved issue: NAS-124510Triage Team
- Update SCST to check the client-supplied initiator name is a legal valueNAS-121743Resolved issue: NAS-121743Brian Meagher
- Sudo NOPASSWD cmds lines added in invalid order to /etc/sudoersNAS-120618Resolved issue: NAS-120618Triage Team
- No FTP group created in truenas scale.NAS-120581Resolved issue: NAS-120581Caleb
- SCALE Enhancement for File System PassthroughNAS-119764Triage Team
- iSCSI targets - authorized networks with /32 does not workNAS-119625Resolved issue: NAS-119625Triage Team
- [Apps] Apps requiring access to podlogs, fail on bluefin (access denied)NAS-119521Resolved issue: NAS-119521Waqar Ahmed
- Windows 10/11 Updates (KB5012170) Fail to Install Due to Tianocore EDK2 UEFI FirmwareNAS-119485Resolved issue: NAS-119485Muhammad Rehan
- Correct way to mitigate the MDS CPU bug present and SMT on?NAS-119450Resolved issue: NAS-119450Triage Team
- Regression: TNS 22.12.0 broke authorized networks for portalsNAS-119423Resolved issue: NAS-119423Brian Meagher
- login as "root" validates and then displays "Your account has been locked. Please contact your System administrator" twiceNAS-119267Resolved issue: NAS-119267Andrew Walker
- Can´t delete expired certificatesNAS-119077Resolved issue: NAS-119077Waqar Ahmed
- CVE-2022-3437 (Heimdal des/des3 overflow) Samba 4.15NAS-118717Resolved issue: NAS-118717Andrew Walker
- Service Unauthorized Access VulnerabilityNAS-118595Resolved issue: NAS-118595Triage Team
- The case changes from uppercase to lowercase in folder and file namesNAS-115151Resolved issue: NAS-115151Triage Team
- CVE-2022-44142 (SMB) - update samba to 4.13.17 (12.0) and 4.15.5 (13.0 and SCALE)NAS-114468Resolved issue: NAS-114468Andrew Walker
- Unable to connect to virtual machine display when WebUI redirects from http to httpsNAS-113143Resolved issue: NAS-113143Triage Team
- Root password not actually checked when downloading legacy encryption key in WebUINAS-111181Resolved issue: NAS-111181Rehan Yousaf
- OpenVPN CVE-2020-15078NAS-110465Resolved issue: NAS-110465Vladimir Vinogradenko
- net/samba - update to Samba 4.12.15NAS-110461Resolved issue: NAS-110461Andrew Walker
- Vulenribilty found in Web UINAS-109598Resolved issue: NAS-109598Denys Butenko
- CA and Certificate generated is not valid when imported into WindowsNAS-107240Resolved issue: NAS-107240Triage Team
- restrict ntpd traffic to configured peersNAS-106139Resolved issue: NAS-106139Caleb
- 11.3 hosts.allow wipes on rebootNAS-105603Resolved issue: NAS-105603Triage Team
- following up NAS-105078NAS-105118Resolved issue: NAS-105118Triage Team
- Cannot lock encrypted pool once unlockedNAS-104666Resolved issue: NAS-104666Triage Team
- Configure local and remote system loggingNAS-103914William Gryzbowski
- Update py37-yaml to 4.1 for CVE-2017-18342NAS-103056Resolved issue: NAS-103056Triage Team
- Update oniguruma to 6.9.3 to fix various security issuesNAS-103055Resolved issue: NAS-103055Triage Team
- Update apache to 2.4.41 to fix various security issuesNAS-103054Resolved issue: NAS-103054Triage Team
- No support for Netgroups from LDAPNAS-102791Resolved issue: NAS-102791Andrew Walker
- Stuck at New GUI set permission pageNAS-102373Resolved issue: NAS-102373Triage Team
- Do not use HTTP URLs when using HTTPSNAS-102295Resolved issue: NAS-102295Erin Clark
- Update netatalk to fix CVE-2018–1160NAS-102279Resolved issue: NAS-102279Andrew Walker
- Enable support for TLS 1.1 and 1.2, and disable support for TLS 1.0NAS-101861Resolved issue: NAS-101861William Gryzbowski
- Update libnghttp2 to 1.31.1 to address CVE-2018-1000168NAS-101681Resolved issue: NAS-101681William Gryzbowski
- Update Perl to 5.26.2 to address several vulnerabilitiesNAS-101680Resolved issue: NAS-101680William Gryzbowski
- Update libgcrypt to 1.8.3 to address CVE-2018-0495NAS-101679Resolved issue: NAS-101679William Gryzbowski
- Update Python2 to 2.7.16NAS-101678Resolved issue: NAS-101678Waqar Ahmed
- random cp when applying permission for new userNAS-101665Resolved issue: NAS-101665William Gryzbowski
- SSH Service Fails to start with "extra options" enabledNAS-101605Resolved issue: NAS-101605Waqar Ahmed
- Ensure HTTPS is used for updatesNAS-101583Resolved issue: NAS-101583Waqar Ahmed
- Use middleware job to apply default permissions on an existing dataset to avoid timeoutsNAS-101445Resolved issue: NAS-101445Andrew Walker
- Update wget to 1.20.3NAS-101415Resolved issue: NAS-101415Alexander Motin
- Add GUI option to easily disable Samba's NetBIOS supportNAS-101378Resolved issue: NAS-101378Andrew Walker
- Update Python to 2.7.15NAS-101377Resolved issue: NAS-101377Waqar Ahmed
- FreeNAS update still connects to unencrpyted port 80 (http)NAS-101363Resolved issue: NAS-101363Waqar Ahmed
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