- NFS statistics GUI are wrong.NAS-107060Resolved issue: NAS-107060Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Expose temperature from mpr driver in GUI (LSI 2xxx/3xxx HBA)NAS-105550Triage Team
- Statistics in webinterface not loading since new GUINAS-104632Resolved issue: NAS-104632Triage Team
- Freenas 11.2U5 Dashboard BugNAS-103025Resolved issue: NAS-103025Triage Team
- update netdata to latest version? (v1.10.0 -> v1.16.0)NAS-103004Resolved issue: NAS-103004William Gryzbowski
- FreeNAS 11.2-U4.1 - Reporting can't show CPU chartNAS-101988Resolved issue: NAS-101988Erin Clark
- New GUI Widgets are blankNAS-101852Resolved issue: NAS-101852Erin Clark
- Partitions Report Metric IncorrectNAS-101767Resolved issue: NAS-101767Damian Szidiropulosz
- Some dashboard widgets never loadNAS-101638Resolved issue: NAS-101638Damian Szidiropulosz
- CPU temp is now fixed in 'reporting' section but front page dashboard, still wrongNAS-101228Resolved issue: NAS-101228Damian Szidiropulosz
- CPU temperature minus 123 degreesNAS-101222Resolved issue: NAS-101222Damian Szidiropulosz
- Issue with any graph will break all graphs on dashboardNAS-101221Resolved issue: NAS-101221Damian Szidiropulosz
- Reports in the dashboard not showing dataNAS-101126Resolved issue: NAS-101126Damian Szidiropulosz
- The values in Reporting -> Network in the new GUI appear to be incorrectNAS-101071Resolved issue: NAS-101071Damian Szidiropulosz
- Disk temp shows a nonsense total valueNAS-100929Resolved issue: NAS-100929Erin Clark
- Dashboard CPU Temperature / ESXi VMNAS-100922Resolved issue: NAS-100922Erin Clark
- CPU Usage and Temperature shows no values, take a long time to loadNAS-100714Resolved issue: NAS-100714Erin Clark
- 11.2-release GUI Reporting Disk - Missing / bogus data shown in graphNAS-100641Resolved issue: NAS-100641Damian Szidiropulosz
- 11.2-release UI inconsistent / broken behavior for 'Reporting->Memory' elements and graphs.NAS-100639Resolved issue: NAS-100639Erin Clark
- Fix legend analytics causing endless loop if no data for 11.3NAS-100606Resolved issue: NAS-100606Damian Szidiropulosz
- Graphs in the reporting tab become very slowNAS-100598Resolved issue: NAS-100598Damian Szidiropulosz
- Disk temp not shown for Seagate Desktop HDD.15 ST4000DM000-1F2168NAS-100593Resolved issue: NAS-100593Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Enhancement to disks reporting tabNAS-100527Resolved issue: NAS-100527Damian Szidiropulosz
- New "Laundry" memory type not reported in UI graphs.NAS-100142Resolved issue: NAS-100142Damian Szidiropulosz
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