- Improve user menu / profile pageNAS-129853Ievgen Stepanovych
- Incorrect CPU core/thread display on dashboard when device display <600pxNAS-121531Resolved issue: NAS-121531Alex Karpov
- TrueNAS-SCALE-22.12.0 Dashboard re-oder doesn't workNAS-120294Resolved issue: NAS-120294Triage Team
- Redesign how user preferences are savedNAS-119885Ievgen Stepanovych
- Admin UI: Theme not respected after logging-in from timeoutNAS-119870Resolved issue: NAS-119870Triage Team
- Save preferences per userNAS-119806Resolved issue: NAS-119806Alex Karpov
- [ SCALE ] Fix some of the themes to work with apps sectionNAS-112069Resolved issue: NAS-112069Ievgen Stepanovych
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