- When modifying the ACL permissions of one subdataset, the other subdatasets disappear from the SMB share.NAS-115739Resolved issue: NAS-115739Triage Team
- Disk Write Performance issues with default driver on SCALE for Intel 6 Series/C200 Chipset SATA ControllerNAS-115388Resolved issue: NAS-115388Triage Team
- Apps not starting on rebootNAS-115305Resolved issue: NAS-115305Triage Team
- Help widget is draggable/reordered at all timesNAS-115224Resolved issue: NAS-115224Rehan Yousaf
- Need to handle error if failed to start/stop servicesNAS-115223Resolved issue: NAS-115223Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Error on the Create Pool pageNAS-115193Resolved issue: NAS-115193Rehan Yousaf
- The "Virtual Mahcines not supported" message doesn't always show upNAS-115187Resolved issue: NAS-115187Rehan Yousaf
- Fix close icon on tooltipsNAS-115186Resolved issue: NAS-115186Rehan Yousaf
- Fix "Start Automatically" checkbox for services tableNAS-115181Resolved issue: NAS-115181Rehan Yousaf
- The case changes from uppercase to lowercase in folder and file namesNAS-115151Resolved issue: NAS-115151Triage Team
- Core files for the following executables were found: /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64NAS-115141Resolved issue: NAS-115141Umer Saleem
- Core files for the following executables were foundNAS-114984Resolved issue: NAS-114984Umer Saleem
- Rclone fails with Scaleway S3 storage due to incorrect regionNAS-114942Resolved issue: NAS-114942Vladimir Vinogradenko
- VM's uuid changes after every (system) rebootNAS-114938Resolved issue: NAS-114938Waqar Ahmed
- VM named "ad01" and "ad02" do not show on Virtual Machine pageNAS-114830Resolved issue: NAS-114830Triage Team
- NTP health check failedNAS-114827Resolved issue: NAS-114827Triage Team
- App Migration, Some won't Deploy AfterwardsNAS-114756Resolved issue: NAS-114756Triage Team
- Incorrect ECC certificate ciphers availableNAS-114754Resolved issue: NAS-114754Waqar Ahmed
- Cannot add time machine share in MacOS system preferencesNAS-114747Resolved issue: NAS-114747Andrew Walker
- Minio broken by default in recent scale (missing setcap)NAS-114727Resolved issue: NAS-114727Muhammad Rehan
- TrueNAS SCALE - Missing sdparm commandNAS-114723Resolved issue: NAS-114723Waqar Ahmed
- [SCALE] nfs service not startable. (/etc/exports not being generated at least)NAS-114704Resolved issue: NAS-114704Andrew Walker
- SCALE update files in build artifacts should be named with version stringNAS-114697Resolved issue: NAS-114697Vladimir Vinogradenko
- Disk Useage in Pools incorrectly reportedNAS-114668Resolved issue: NAS-114668Triage Team
- Migrating applications to new pool leaves some paths pointing to old poolNAS-114656Resolved issue: NAS-114656Triage Team
- Blank console (HDMI/DP) screen after initial installNAS-114624Resolved issue: NAS-114624Triage Team
- Cannot remove dead zpoolNAS-114600Resolved issue: NAS-114600Triage Team
- SMB not respecting `setgid` flag in POSIX ACLsNAS-114568Resolved issue: NAS-114568Triage Team
- TrueNAS SCALE - Lack of process displayNAS-114527Resolved issue: NAS-114527Triage Team
- fix test__open_path_and_check_proc API testNAS-114518Resolved issue: NAS-114518Caleb
- remove option from snmp service in webUINAS-114516Resolved issue: NAS-114516Rehan Yousaf
- cluster api tests broken since no serials on vm disksNAS-114509Resolved issue: NAS-114509Caleb
- Can not delete a virtual machine with not present GPUNAS-114506Resolved issue: NAS-114506Muhammad Rehan
- SCALE 22.02-RC.2 - Nextcloud app becomes unresponsive if installing "Collabora Online - Built-in CODE Server" inside of NextcloudNAS-114496Resolved issue: NAS-114496Triage Team
- SCALE 22.02-RC.2 - If storage pool has a name with spaces and is set as app pool, SCALE creates second pool with backslash in its nameNAS-114488Resolved issue: NAS-114488Muhammad Rehan
- SCALE 22.02-RC.2 - Local User Accounts - not able to deactivate "Microsoft Account" option if no e-mail is insertedNAS-114486Resolved issue: NAS-114486Andrew Walker
- Fix xattr compat fallback handling on LinuxNAS-114481Resolved issue: NAS-114481Ryan Moeller
- disks of unrelated pools spin up when starting/stopping a VM on a different poolNAS-114472Resolved issue: NAS-114472Triage Team
- Unable to boot VM after adding NIC as PCI Passthrough DeviceNAS-114465Resolved issue: NAS-114465Triage Team
- Network Bridge not working on SCALE 22.02 - RC.2NAS-114462Resolved issue: NAS-114462Triage Team
- Network Bridge not working on SCALE 22.02 - RC.2NAS-114461Resolved issue: NAS-114461Triage Team
- cannot provide blank domain in networking configNAS-114436Resolved issue: NAS-114436Caleb
- TrueNAS-SCALE-22.02-RC.2 dpkg cant proccess package linux-image-truenas-amd64NAS-114392Resolved issue: NAS-114392Triage Team
- Reports in spanish languageNAS-114376Resolved issue: NAS-114376Triage Team
- Static routes are not added after rebootNAS-114375Resolved issue: NAS-114375Caleb
- Local certificate still being presentedNAS-114374Resolved issue: NAS-114374Triage Team
- Wrong timezone in various timestamps throughout the UI + CLINAS-114358Resolved issue: NAS-114358Boris Vasilenko
- Core files for the following executables were found: /usr/bin/python3.9NAS-114354Resolved issue: NAS-114354Triage Team
- Virtual Machines list don't update when starting or stopping a VMNAS-114347Resolved issue: NAS-114347Boris Vasilenko
- unexpectedly closed the connectionNAS-114312Resolved issue: NAS-114312Triage Team
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