- Wrong Last Access time in SMB shareNAS-111880Resolved issue: NAS-111880Triage Team
- Python3.9core warningNAS-111364Resolved issue: NAS-111364Triage Team
- Middleware - OpenStack Swift auth_version Invalid VersionNAS-111323Resolved issue: NAS-111323Triage Team
- The HDD could not show the temperature informationNAS-111279Resolved issue: NAS-111279Triage Team
- off-by-one in snmpd causes SIGSEGVNAS-111168Resolved issue: NAS-111168Caleb
- Unable to revoke certificate from OpenVPN Server Service accessNAS-111163Resolved issue: NAS-111163Rehan Yousaf
- The following system core files were found: python3.8.coreNAS-111117Resolved issue: NAS-111117Triage Team
- warning concerning system core files rrdcached.core foundNAS-111035Resolved issue: NAS-111035Triage Team
- Is the email field under Services/UPS superfluous?NAS-111027Resolved issue: NAS-111027Waqar Ahmed
- Storage>Pools>Create Pool help text for encryption goes to ZoL 0.8.3 URLNAS-111007Resolved issue: NAS-111007Rehan Yousaf
- Uncommanded restart after mounting and rsync to ext2 usb driveNAS-110975Resolved issue: NAS-110975Triage Team
- UPS repeatedly disconnectsNAS-110901Resolved issue: NAS-110901Triage Team
- TrueNAS randomly restartingNAS-110889Resolved issue: NAS-110889Triage Team
- loader.efi modified the size of EFI_STAGING_SIZE, preventing VMware from starting the systemNAS-110858Resolved issue: NAS-110858Triage Team
- S3 service does not start even when start automatically checkedNAS-110857Resolved issue: NAS-110857Triage Team
- Add GUI option to easily disable Samba's NetBIOS support, to close port 139NAS-110851Triage Team
- erreur core fileNAS-110850Resolved issue: NAS-110850Triage Team
- Default TrueNAS certificate fails to work if TrueNAS is installed on system with incorrect hwclockNAS-110831Resolved issue: NAS-110831Triage Team
- The following system core files were found: zpool.coreNAS-110830Resolved issue: NAS-110830Triage Team
- The '2FA' sub-menu item is hidden under the 'Tasks' main-menu itemNAS-110809Resolved issue: NAS-110809Triage Team
- ZFS receive may fail or cause a panicNAS-110804Resolved issue: NAS-110804Ryan Moeller
- also include additional naming scheme not workingNAS-110801Resolved issue: NAS-110801Triage Team
- smbd.core createdNAS-110799Resolved issue: NAS-110799Andrew Walker
- Thousands of DNS requests are being made after domain joinNAS-110796Resolved issue: NAS-110796Triage Team
- Unable to replace diskNAS-110791Resolved issue: NAS-110791Triage Team
- Regression: mount_* options missing in jail UINAS-110789Resolved issue: NAS-110789Triage Team
- SMB disconnects in the middle of playing media filesNAS-110786Resolved issue: NAS-110786Triage Team
- Unable to replicate one pool to other with ZFS encryptionNAS-110784Resolved issue: NAS-110784Ryan Moeller
- List boxes in WebUI are too small on mobileNAS-110782Resolved issue: NAS-110782Ievgen Stepanovych
- boottime timestamp wrongNAS-110779Resolved issue: NAS-110779Waqar Ahmed
- Updating UI restarts both nodes in HA systemNAS-110774Resolved issue: NAS-110774Triage Team
- System rebooting during scrubNAS-110771Resolved issue: NAS-110771Triage Team
- Unable to Load Middleware GUI after network unplugNAS-110767Resolved issue: NAS-110767Triage Team
- run certs alert source once a day and not on standby nodeNAS-110756Resolved issue: NAS-110756Caleb
- Middlewared crashes on TrueNAS 12.0-U3.1NAS-110755Resolved issue: NAS-110755Triage Team
- rsync task configuration corruptedNAS-110754Resolved issue: NAS-110754Waqar Ahmed
- Unable to sign into Web GUINAS-110753Resolved issue: NAS-110753Triage Team
- Kernel Panic and system freeze during high network trafficNAS-110749Resolved issue: NAS-110749Triage Team
- View Enclosure IncorrectNAS-110744Resolved issue: NAS-110744Triage Team
- Replication tasks stuck in "Waiting" statusNAS-110743Resolved issue: NAS-110743Triage Team
- TrueNAS View Enclosures Command Not WorkingNAS-110726Resolved issue: NAS-110726Vladimir Vinogradenko
- python3.8 core fileNAS-110718Resolved issue: NAS-110718Triage Team
- Error while trying to attach new drive to boot partitionNAS-110716Resolved issue: NAS-110716Triage Team
- add --trace-malloc arg to middlewaredNAS-110712Resolved issue: NAS-110712Caleb
- smdb bugNAS-110702Resolved issue: NAS-110702Andrew Walker
- TureNAS Python core dumpNAS-110700Resolved issue: NAS-110700Triage Team
- Could not see server from ipaddress had to reboot the systemNAS-110694Resolved issue: NAS-110694Triage Team
- winbindd core createdNAS-110684Resolved issue: NAS-110684Andrew Walker
- When create a vlan, DHCP is auto unchecked on the parent interfaceNAS-110683Resolved issue: NAS-110683Triage Team
- python 3.8 core dump from TrueNAS Core 12.0-U3.1NAS-110677Resolved issue: NAS-110677Triage Team
1-50 of 80
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